2007 Conference Final Report

The AMUN 2007 Final Conference Report contains the following documents. Please feel free to contact the AMUN Executive Office for any additional resources.

  1. AMUN 2007 Conference Program
  2. Final Resolutions and Statements passed by the Committees and Councils
    1. General Assembly Plenary (Concurrent)
      1. GA/I/1
      2. GA/I/7
      3. GA/II/1
      4. GA/II/2
      5. GA/II/5
      6. GA/II/9
      7. GA/III/1
    2. General Assembly Committees — note that these resolutions were passed by the Committees listed below and then forwarded to the final General Assembly Plenary (Combined) session.
      1. 1st Committee (Disarmament and International Security)
        1. GA1/I/1
        2. GA1/I/5
        3. GA1/II/1
        4. GA1/II/3
        5. GA1/II/4
      2. 2nd Committee (Economic and Financial)
        1. GA2/I/1
        2. GA2/I/3
        3. GA2/I/4
        4. GA2/I/6
        5. GA2/II/1
      3. 3rd Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural)
        1. GA3/I/1
        2. GA3/II/3
      4. 4th Committee (Special Political & Decolonization)
        1. GA4/I/1
        2. GA4/I/2
        3. GA4/I/6
        4. GA4/I/7
        5. GA4/II/2
    3. Economic and Social Council
      1. ECOSOC/I/1
      2. ECOSOC/I/2
      3. ECOSOC/II/4
      4. ECOSOC/IV/1
      5. ECOSOC/IV/2
      6. ECOSOC/V/1
      7. ECOSOC/V/2
    4. ECOSOC Commissions — note that these resolutions and reports were passed by the Commissions listed below and then forwarded to the final ECOSOC Plenary session for consideration
      1. Commission on Population and Development
        1. CPD/I/2
        2. CPD/I/3
        3. CPD/II/1
        4. CPD/II/2
        5. CPD/II/3
        6. CPD Report on the Changing Age Structures of Populations and Their Implications for Development: Executive Summary Full Report
        7. CPD Report on Reproductive Rights and Reproductive Health: Executive Summary Full Report
      2. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and The Pacific
        1. ESCAP/II/1
        2. ESCAP/II/2
        3. ESCAP/II/3
        4. ESCAP Report on Poverty and Development: Housing for the Urban Poor: Executive Summary Full Report
        5. ESCAP Report on Environment and Sustainable Development: Water Conservation: Executive Summary Full Report

    5. United Nations Conference On Trade and Development — note that the resolutions and reports listed below were passed by this Conference and then forwarded to the final General Assembly Plenary session for consideration
      1. UNCTAD/II/1
      2. UNCTAD/II/2
      3. UNCTAD/II/3
      4. UNCTAD Report on Commodities: Executive Summary Full Report
      5. UNCTAD Report on Least Developed Countries: Developing Productive Capacities: Executive Summary Full Report
    6. Security Council
      1. SC/1
      2. SC/3
      3. SC/PS/1
    7. Historical Security Council
      1. HSC/1
      2. HSC/2
      3. HSC/3
      4. HSC/4
      5. HSC/PS/1
      6. HSC/PS/2
      7. HSC/PS/3
  3. Decisions of the International Court of Justice
    1. Spain v. Canada – Fisheries Jurisdiction Case (Historical)
      1. Memorial: Spain
      2. Memorial: Canada
      3. Majority Opinion
      4. Concurring Opinion
    2. Republic of the Congo v. France – Certain Criminal Proceedings in France
      1. Memorial: Republic of the Congo
      2. Memorial: France
      3. Majority Opinion
      4. Dissenting Opinion
    3. Costa Rica v. Nicaragua – Proceedings Instituted by Costa Rica Against Nicaragua
      1. Memorial: Costa Rica
      2. Memorial: Nicaragua
      3. Majority Opinion
      4. Concurring Opinion
      5. Dissenting Opinion
  4. Papers published by the International Press Delegation
    1. AMUN Chronicle 17 Nov 2007, number 1
    2. AMUN Chronicle 18 Nov 2007, number 1
    3. AMUN Chronicle 18 Nov 2007, number 2
    4. AMUN Chronicle 19 Nov 2007, number 1
    5. AMUN Chronicle 19 Nov 2007, number 2
    6. AMUN Chronicle 19 Nov 2007, number 3
    7. AMUN Chronicle 20 Nov 2007, number 1
    8. AMUN Chronicle 20 Nov 2007, number 2

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