2002 Conference Final Report

The AMUN 2002 Final Conference Report contains the following documents. Please feel free to contact the AMUN Executive Office for any additional resources.

  1. AMUN 2002 Conference Program
  2. Final Resolutions and Statements passed by the Committees and Councils
    1. General Assembly Plenary session — note that these resolutions originated in the four General Assembly Committees, and were then formally passed by the Plenary session.
      1. 1st Committee (Disarmament and International Security):
      2. Resolution GA/1st/II/1, Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction

      3. 2nd Committee (Economic and Financial):
      4. Resolution GA/2nd/II/12, Strengthening International Economic Cooperation for Development Through Partnership

      5. 3rd Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural):
      6. Resolution GA/3rd/I/4, Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Children: Protection of Children Affected by Armed Conflict

      7. 6th Committee (Legal):
      8. Resolution GA/6th/I/3, Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism

    2. General Assembly Committees — note that these resolutions were passed by the Committees listed below and then forwarded to the final Plenary session for consideration.
      1. 1st Committee (Disarmament and International Security)
        1. Resolution GA1/I/3, General and Complete Disarmament: Implementation of the Convention of the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction
        2. Resolution GA1/I/5, General and Complete Disarmament: Implementation of the Convention of the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction
        3. Resolution GA1/I/9, General and Complete Disarmament: Implementation of the Convention of the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction
      2. 2nd Committee (Economic and Financial)
        1. Resolution GA2/II/1, Strengthening International Economic Cooperation for Development Through Partnership
        2. Resolution GA2/II/2, Strengthening International Economic Cooperation for Development Through Partnership
        3. Resolution GA2/II/6, Strengthening International Economic Cooperation for Development Through Partnership
        4. Resolution GA2/II/12, Strengthening International Economic Cooperation for Development Through Partnership
      3. 3rd Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural)
        1. Resolution GA3/I/4, Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Children: Protection of Children Affected by Armed Conflict
        2. Resolution GA3/II/1, International Drug Control
      4. 6th Committee (Legal)
        1. Resolution GA6/I/3, Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism
        2. Resolution GA6/I/6, Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism
    3. Economic and Social Council
      1. Resolution ES/II/1, Social and Human Rights Questions: Social Development
      2. Resolution ES/II/4, Social and Human Rights Questions: Social Development
      3. Resolution ES/II/6, Social and Human Rights Questions: Social Development
      4. Resolution ES/III/1, High-Level Segment: The Role of the United Nations System in Supporting the Efforts of African Countries to Acheive Sustainable Development
      5. Resolution ES/III/4, High-Level Segment: The Role of the United Nations System in Supporting the Efforts of African Countries to Acheive Sustainable Development
      6. Resolution ES/III/6, High-Level Segment: The Role of the United Nations System in Supporting the Efforts of African Countries to Acheive Sustainable Development
      7. Resolution ES/IV/1, Operational Activities of the United Nations for International Development Cooperation: Economic and Technical Cooperation Among Developing Countries
      8. Resolution ES/V/2, Report of the Commission on Human Rights
    4. Security Council
      1. Resolution SC/1, The Situation in the Mano River Union of West Africa
      2. Presidential Statement SC/PS2, The Situation in Iraq
      3. Presidential Statement SC/PS4, The Situation in Iraq
    5. Historical Security Council (1967)
      1. Resolution HSC/3, The Situation in Southern Rhodesia
      2. Resolution HSC/4, The Situation in the Middle East
  3. Decisions of the International Court of Justice
    • Temporarily Unavailable
  4. Report of the Commission on Human Rights
    1. Rights of Refugees
      1. Resolution CHR/I/1
      2. Resolution CHR/I/2
      3. Resolution CHR/I/3
      4. Resolution CHR/I/4
      5. Resolution CHR/I/5
      6. Resolution CHR/I/7
    2. Right to Development
      1. Resolution CHR/II/1
      2. Resolution CHR/II/2
      3. Resolution CHR/II/3
      4. Resolution CHR/II/6
  5. Issues of the AMUN Daily Chronicle (International Press Delegation)
    1. Volume XIII, Number 1
    2. Volume XIII, Number 2
    3. Volume XIII, Number 3
    4. Volume XIII, Number 4
    5. Volume XIII, Number 5

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