2011 Conference Final Report

The AMUN 2011 Final Conference Report contains the following documents. Please feel free to contact the AMUN Executive Office for any additional resources.

  1. AMUN 2011 Conference Program (high-resolution print version – 34MB file)
  2. Final Resolutions and Statements passed by the Committees and Councils
    1. General Assembly Plenary (Concurrent)
      1. GA/I/2
      2. GA/I/6
      3. GA/II/1
      4. GA/II/3
      5. GA/II/7
      6. GA/II/8

    2. General Assembly Plenary (Combined)
      1. GA/1st/I/1
      2. GA/1st/II/5
      3. GA/2nd/I/1
      4. GA/2nd/I/4
      5. GA/2nd/II/1
      6. GA/3rd/I/1
      7. GA/3rd/I/2
      8. GA/6th/I/1
      9. GA/WHA/1
    3. General Assembly Committees — note that these resolutions were passed by the Committees listed below and then forwarded to the final General Assembly Plenary (Combined) session.
      1. First Committee (Disarmament and International Security)
        1. GA1st/I/1
        2. GA1st/I/2
        3. GA1st/II/2
        4. GA1st/II/5
        5. GA1st/II/6
        6. GA1st/II/9
        7. GA1st/II/10
      2. Second Committee (Economic and Financial)
        1. GA2nd/I/1
        2. GA2nd/I/3
        3. GA2nd/I/4
        4. GA2nd/II/1
        5. GA2nd/II/3
      3. Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural)
        1. GA3rd/I/1
        2. GA3rd/I/2
        3. GA3rd/I/3
        4. GA3rd/I/8
        5. GA3rd/II/1
      4. Sixth Committee (Legal)
        1. GA6th/I/1
        2. GA6th/II/2
    4. Economic and Social Council
      1. ECOSOC/I/1
      2. ECOSOC/I/2
      3. ECOSOC/I/3
      4. ECOSOC/I/5
      5. ECOSOC/I/6
      6. ECOSOC/I/7
      7. ECOSOC/I/10
      8. ECOSOC/I/11
      9. ECOSOC/I/12
      10. ECOSOC/II/1
      11. ECOSOC/II/2
      12. ECOSOC/II/4
      13. ECOSOC/II/5
      14. ECOSOC/II/6
      15. ECOSOC/II/7
    5. ECOSOC Commissions — note that these resolutions and reports were passed by the Commissions listed below and then forwarded to the final ECOSOC Plenary session for consideration.
      1. Commission on Sustainable Development
        1. CSD/I/1
        2. CSD/I/2
        3. CSD/I/3
        4. CSD/I/4
        5. CSD/I/5
        6. CSD/I/6
        7. CSD/I Report
      2. Economic Commission for Europe
        1. ECE/I Report
        2. ECE/II Report
    6. World Health Assembly — note that the resolutions and reports listed below were passed by this Assembly and then forwarded to the final General Assembly Plenary session for consideration.
      1. WHA/I/1
      2. WHA/II/2
      3. WHA/II/3
      4. WHA/I Report
      5. WHA/II Report
    7. Security Council
      1. SC/1
      2. SC/2
      3. SC/3
      4. SC/5
      5. SC Presidential Statement 1
      6. SC Presidential Statement 3
    8. Historical Security Council (1973)
      1. HSC-1973/2
      2. HSC-1973/3
      3. HSC-1973/4
      4. HSC-1973/6
      5. HSC-1973/8
      6. Report to the HSC on Continued Violence in Southern Rhodesia
    9. Historical Security Council (2003)
      1. HSC-2003/1
      2. HSC-2003/3
      3. HSC-2003/5
      4. HSC-2003/6
      5. HSC-2003 Presidential Statement I
  3. Decisions of the International Court of Justice
    1. Australia v. Japan
      1. Memorial: Australia
      2. Memorial: Japan
      3. Opinion
    2. Nicaragua v. Honduras
      1. Memorial: Nicaragua
      2. Memorial: Honduras
      3. Opinion
    3. Germany v. Italy
      1. Memorial: Germany
      2. Memorial: Italy
      3. Opinion
      4. Concurring opinion
  4. Papers published by the International Press Delegation
    1. Volume XXII, Number 1
    2. Volume XXII, Number 2
    3. Volume XXII, Number 3
    4. Volume XXII, Number 4
    5. Volume XXII, Number 5
    6. Volume XXII, Number 6

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