Frequently Asked Questions

The following points include some of the most frequently asked questions about American Model United Nations International (AMUN). It is written both for schools who may be interested in attending the conference, and for new AMUN participants. As with all aspects of AMUN, we will continually seek to improve this FAQ and include more items and answers that are important to schools. Please feel free to suggest updates at any time.


Logistical Questions:

COVID Policies for the 2023 In-Person Conference:

Conference Participation and Preparation Questions:

Rules of Procedure Questions:

Conference Departments and Departmental Information:

What is the AMUN philosophy?

AMUN strives to create a simulation of the United Nations which is as realistic as possible, while still allowing for the fulfillment of the educational goals of our participants. In this, we continually seek to find new information about the United Nations, its member states and the topics discussed, and to include this information in the simulations at every opportunity.


When is AMUN held?

AMUN is held late in the Fall Semester to allow schools the maximum time available for preparation. Our Conference Dates are: Saturday – Tuesday, 22–25  November 2025. The Opening Plenary session begins at 6:15 p.m. on Saturday and the Closing Plenary runs from 12:30-1:00 p.m. on Tuesday. This allows delegations travel time on both days. Alternately, groups can choose to come in a day early or stay a day late to see more of Chicago. The Conference Agenda is also posted on this home page.

Where is the AMUN conference located?

AMUN is held at the Sheraton Grand Chicago in Chicago, Illinois. Further hotel information is provided on our website. The hotel is centrally located in downtown Chicago, just blocks from the Magnificent Mile and Navy Pier. For information on nearby attractions in Chicago, see our Chicago links page.

How much will it cost?

AMUN prides itself on being one of the most affordable major collegiate simulations available. Our delegation and per delegate fees for our in-person conference are:

  • Per Delegation: $120
  • Per Delegate Cost: $80

Hotel rooms at the Sheraton are $155/room/night (plus tax), with up to four people in a room at no additional charge. Other costs which will need to be calculated are student travel, meals, and expenses while in Chicago.

Are there any social events as part of AMUN?

Definitely! AMUN certainly recognizes that the social aspect of any Model UN conference is an important element—how else would all of those ambassadors get to know each other better so they can function more effectively in committees the next day? AMUN provides an “After Hours Caucusing” room each evening in the conference area, away from hotel sleeping rooms,, and encourages participants to take advantage of this open space for gatherings. Also, we hold our annual Representative Dance following sessions on the Monday night of Conference. This dance is free to all credentialed delegates.

Will there be time to see Chicago?

Absolutely! The AMUN staff realizes that one of the draws of our conference is that it is held in one of the world’s most interesting cities. We provide one free afternoon to explore the city, but we also strongly encourage delegations to come in early or stay late for some extra tourist time. In addition, our dinner breaks are sufficiently long to ensure that you will have time to get out of the hotel and sample the marvelous and diverse food opportunities available around the downtown area.

How many schools attend AMUN?

AMUN is widely attended by schools across the country; on average 85 schools attend, with 125 countries represented.

How many students are typically on a delegation?

AMUN delegations range from 5 to 20 students, with 8-10 being an average-sized delegation. Each delegation is allowed to place one or two delegates, at their discretion, on each committee to which their country is assigned. Each delegation may also put an optional delegate on the “Special Committee” being simulated that year, and each school may apply for seats on the International Court of Justice or International Press Delegation if they have students interested in those highly specialized simulations. Since all delegations are on the full-membership bodies we simulate, the smallest delegations have 4-8 people. The largest delegations, typically the permanent members of the Security Council, can have as many as 20 Representatives. AMUN encourages schools bringing more than this number of students to register for additional delegations. It is not uncommon for a school to represent 2 or more countries at the Conference.

Is AMUN open to graduate and law students?

Yes! AMUN welcomes any college, graduate or professional students to the Conference.

How do I sign up for AMUN?

Registration is easy, and can be completed via our simple registration form on our website. A $120 deposit is required to hold each in-person country assigned, and this deposit applies to your total fees due at or before Conference Registration. See the Register for AMUN page for additional details on registering for our conference.

What is the fastest way to register at Conference?

AMUN’s registration process was created and is run by corporate meeting planning professionals. Our intent is to get each school through registration as smoothly as possible. Registration times average five minutes per delegation, and it is rare for a school to require more than fifteen minutes (including time in line) to register. With our “Express Registration” service, a school which pre-pays all fees and provides all credential information in advance of the conference can complete the registration process in as little as one to two minutes.

How early or late can I sign up for AMUN?

AMUN begins registering schools for the next year with an initial Country Lottery at the previous year’s conference. While this is not limited to that year’s participants, it does give the first choice of country assignments to schools who are familiar with and experienced at AMUN. Following the lottery, country assignments are made on a first-come, first-served basis. A continually updated list of Assigned Countries and Available Countries countries is posted on our home page. Also, there is not a set deadline for how late a school can register. Approximately one month out from the conference, AMUN will process new requests for countries on a case-by-case basis, discussing country assignments with a new school to determine if they can adequately prepare for the conference. Thus, a school that has already researched an available country (for another conference, etc.) may be able to receive a later country assignment than a school which has never participated in a Model UN event and is completely unprepared.

Is there parking near the hotel?

See the Parking Information guide for a list of available parking locations near the hotel. AMUN does not have any affiliation with any parking structures. Please contact the individual parking companies with any questions about price, accessibility (for vans, buses, etc.) or other issues. Note that the hotel is likely to be the only parking garage with in/out privileges for cars, but is also likely to be the most expensive.


Please see our Vaccination and Attendance Policy page for the most detailed and up-to-date information. The FAQs below are a high-level summary and we encourage you to review the detailed page.

What are the vaccination requirements for participating in Conference in-person?

AMUN is strongly encouraging, but not requiring, that all participants of the in-person AMUN Conference have up-to-date COVID vaccinations prior to attending the conference. Up-to-date vaccinations include the complete primary course of vaccinations against COVID-19 as well as one or more boosters. The Centers for Disease Control strongly encourages that each person receive the Omicron-Variant Vaccine Booster (“bivalent booster”). We encourage all participants, in particular those who are not vaccinated, to take a COVID-19 test within 72 hours prior to the start of Conference and to stay home should they test positive or are feeling ill.

AMUN also strongly encourages all participants to have their seasonal flu vaccination before Conference.

Are masks required at this year’s Conference?

AMUN will encourage, but not require, attendees to wear a mask while on the Conference levels of the hotel. Masking is strongly encouraged for anyone who is not vaccinated or is more vulnerable to COVID-19.

AMUN reserves the right to re-evaluate this masking policy should the CDC recommendations or local Chicago guidelines change.

AMUN will not tolerate harassment of any participant regarding vaccination status or masking choices.

More specifics about our masking policy can be found on our Vaccination and Attendance Policy page. 


What kind of research should I do before AMUN?

AMUN participants are expected to be skilled representatives of their country by the time they arrive at the Conference. When walking into the Committee room, a student becomes the representative from their assigned delegation. In order to fill this role, among other things, students must research: their country (including background and current events), the topics of discussion for their committee, the positions of other countries (both allies and adversaries), the AMUN rules of procedure, and the United Nations. AMUN provides assistance in this research through our AMUN Handbook. The AMUN Handbook book provides a detailed outline of how an individual or a delegation can fulfill the required research. Also detailed in the AMUN Handbook is a synopsis of the history and current status of each topic, along with a detailed bibliography to assist students in doing additional research.

Are position papers required?

AMUN requests the submission of position papers from all delegations. We see the possibility of two types of position papers: internal to the delegation and external, for public use at the Conference. In particular, AMUN encourages delegations to use internal position papers as a tool in preparing their delegates. If students are required to submit a position paper on their topic(s), this both serves as a way to encapsulate the main points on paper, and as a teaching/reference tool for the other members of the delegation. Internal position papers can be very specific, talking not only about the country’s public policies, but also about negotiating points and possible diplomatic postures, which the delegation can take on each point. External position papers are useful as a public statement of the delegation’s positions, and AMUN requests these from all delegations. Public position papers are due on 25 October, with late papers accepted until 7 November. Papers received by the Conference  submission deadline will be made available here in early November. We have also provided Sample Position Papers on our website.

What is purview?

Purview is the designation and limitations of discussed topics within each of the subdivisions of the United Nations. Purview is limited by powers and authority granted to a committee or council by the United Nations Charter. Purview limitations separate United Nations committees from each other by preventing conflicting statements, defining authority and expertise on specific aspects of broad topics, and breaking up complex issues into separate and more manageable segments. Limitations include making recommendations rather than binding resolutions or generally discussing a topic rather than a specific incident.

Why is purview important?

One of AMUN’s goals is to simulate the actual United Nations as realistically as possible, while still providing an enjoyable experience for our Representatives. In order to meet this goal, simulated committees must remain in purview.

How is purview determined?

While purview is not something readily defined within the actual United Nations, there are three sources used to understand the allocation of topics between committees and the authority and limitations of each committee on those particular topics.

The first resource is the Charter of the United Nations, which defines the powers of the main bodies of the United Nations. The Charter also addresses the limitation of these bodies to create binding resolutions and their obligations to their Member States.

The second resource is the Agenda of the United Nations General Assembly. The Agenda helps define the topics and how the topics align with the purposes of the United Nations. The Agenda also demonstrates how large issues are broken up between the committees.

The third resource is reviewing previous resolutions passed by all committees on the agenda item. By reviewing previous resolutions on all three agenda items, you can see how topics are split among the committees. Precedent, what a committee can and cannot do, is also indirectly learned by reviewing previous resolutions.

How are draft resolutions used at AMUN?

Like the United Nations, AMUN does not restrict the drafting of resolutions; these may either be brought to the Conference by a delegation or created with other delegations on the floor. United Nations resolutions are usually started by one country (or perhaps a small group of countries) and then circulated to gain broader acceptance. To simulate this practice, AMUN requires resolutions in all bodies except the Security Councils to gain the support of 35 percent of the delegations in attendance before they can be brought to the floor. Unlike some other MUN conferences, all delegations which sign a resolution are considered “sponsors,” i.e. a delegation should not sign onto a resolution unless they feel that their nation could vote “yes” to that resolution as it currently stands. This avoids the unrealistic practice of “trading votes” just to get a resolution to the floor for discussion, and it duplicates the United Nations practice in that resolutions which make it to the floor begin the formal debating process with significant support.

What do I do after I finish writing a draft resolution?

After you have written your draft resolution with the template found in the AMUN Google Drive, the next step before submitting your draft resolution is to collect signatures on the Resolution Sponsorship Form. This form is also a template in the AMUN Google Drive. You must get supporting signatures from 35 percent of your committee’s body. This number will be provided at Conference.

Once you have the correct number of sponsors, you will submit the draft resolution to the Rapporteurs. You will email both documents to your committee’s Rapporteurs. Instructions on how to do so can be found in the Resource Table drive. If you have any questions during this process, the Rapporteurs in the room will be able to assist you. 

After the Rapporteurs approve the document, it will be made available to the body in the Resolutions Available to the Body drive. After the Chair announces the draft resolution is available, you may move the draft resolution to the floor. The draft resolution is then voted on during voting procedure.

How do I make an amendment to a resolution?

An amendment can be made to a resolution in one of two ways, by a friendly amendment or a non-friendly amendment. For both types of amendments, the amendment form can be found as a template on the AMUN Google Drive.

In a friendly amendment, the amendment is sponsored by all Member States who sponsored the original draft resolution. Once all of the signatures are received, the amendment is emailed to the Rapporteurs , who check the amendment to ensure it is within purview and follows the proper format. Once the Rapporteur approves the amendment, it is automatically adopted into the resolution.

In a non-friendly amendment, the amendment is sponsored by 15 percent of the body but not all of the resolution sponsors. Once all of the signatures are received, the amendment is emailed to the Rapporteur, who checks the amendment to ensure it is within purview and follows the proper format. Once the Rapporteur approves the amendment, you can bring it to the floor at any time. The amendment is then voted on during voting procedure.

What is the difference between formal debate and caucusing?

With the vast majority of the UN’s work now accomplished by consensus, AMUN attempts to replicate this process in our simulations by focusing on caucusing and consensus building wherever possible. In the United Nations, representatives usually give pre-written speeches into the record, with all of the real work being done behind the scenes. We encourage representatives to caucus as much as needed at the conference and to work toward consensus in their resolutions. Caucusing time (versus formal debate at a microphone) averages around 75 percent in most AMUN simulations, and more than half of all resolutions are passed by consensus, with a vast majority receiving very few “no” votes. Participants are actively encouraged to work to include all members of the body, and not just form blocs and pass resolutions which reflect narrow interests and which rarely provide solutions to problems.

What services does AMUN offer delegations at Conference?

AMUN is a truly full-service Model UN Conference. We will make every effort to fulfill all of our participants’ needs, from document processing, to providing extra research assistance, or even directions to a particular restaurant in the area. These services are accomplished by AMUN’s Rapporteur, Home Government and Conference Services departments.

Does AMUN conduct “Crisis Simulations”?

AMUN’s crisis simulation will take place between 11:00 p.m. on Monday night and 4:00 a.m. on Tuesday morning. One of the highlights of each AMUN Conference are the “crisis simulations” provided in the Security Council and Historical Security Council. Since the Security Council is responsible for all matters or international peace and security, and since the UN Charter states that the Council may be called “at any time” to deal with these matters, AMUN traditionally “creates” a crisis for these councils each year. Highly experienced AMUN staff members prepare a “viable” simulation which could feasibly happen in some part of the world, given current military, strategic and geo-political considerations. In the Historical Security Council, this often culminates in a variant of one of the “key” events which occurred in the year being simulated. In the contemporary Council, this could culminate in a crisis exploding in any part of the world currently in conflict. Because these simulations are conducted in “real time”, where events move quickly and are directly influenced by the actions of the participants, AMUN expects representatives on the Security Councils to be among the best prepared students at the Conference, able to represent their country’s policies on the broad range of peace and security issues which might be discussed.

Why does AMUN give out awards?

AMUN stresses that the Model UN experience should be an educational simulation of what occurs at the United Nations, accomplished within the constraints of a four day conference. We also strongly feel that the Model UN experience should not be a competition among delegations, with the inherent implications of winners, losers and judging. Participants do not have any specific judgeable criteria to follow, but should rather be focusing on preparing, to the best of their abilities, to fully represent their assigned country on the topics under discussion. This broad-based preparation should focus on the United Nations, on a specific country, on one or more specific topics, and on the complexities of international diplomacy. In the end, AMUN hopes that each student will walk away with a unique, participatory educational experience, learning both from their own studies and from their interactions at the Conference. While AMUN does provide “awards” for the committees and for overall participation, these are based on purely subjective criteria (e.g. the votes of your fellow delegates) and are de-emphasized at the Conference. Simulations may suffer if recognition becomes a goal rather than an end result of a job well done, and AMUN encourages all delegations to focus in their preparations on being the best representative of their country. Some schools require “official” recognition for funding, and AMUN provides awards to fill this need.

What help does AMUN provide for faculty advisors or club leaders in preparing participants?

AMUN’s senior staff members are happy to help schools in any way they can, both before and during the Conference. This includes full access to the Executive Director and/or Secretary-General at any time, either by email, phone or mail. We pride ourselves on answering all questions quickly and accurately. AMUN has helped new faculty advisors “learn the ropes” and assisted experienced advisors in working through complex issues which may arise in preparations. We can help with research questions, logistical issues or any other areas of Conference preparation. Also, AMUN’s Model UN in a Box simulation guides are sent in the fall to every registered school. This serves as a supplement to the AMUN Handbook, intended to walk a faculty advisor or club leader through the preparation process. This guide includes background on teaching the rules of procedure and on helping students with effective research. It also includes sample simulations, which can be run in a class or club environment as preparation for the Conference.

Does AMUN provide any “prep” conferences?

While AMUN does not sponsor any prep conferences to help students get ready for the AMUN simulation, we strongly encourage schools to hold internal simulations or to invite other schools in their area to participate in a shared mock simulation. AMUN will be happy to put registered schools in touch with others in their area. Also, if a qualified AMUN staff member resides near a school, we will be happy to put you in touch with that staff member, who may be able to chair a prep simulation for your school or for a group of schools. Finally, AMUN provides a number of resources to assist student leaders and Faculty Advisors. See the Model UN Resources pages for more information.


Where do AMUN’s rules come from?

AMUN’s goal is to replicate the rules and practices used at the United Nations to the largest extent possible, while still including some additional rules which enhance the educational experience of the students. In an effort to simulate the United Nations as closely as possible, AMUN staff members have done significant research into the United Nations rules, including referencing United Nations proceedings and interviewing Secretariat members and diplomats. AMUN’s rules are easy to use in practice but are fairly complex in writing to cover the mostly unwritten practices and precedents which guide many activities at the United Nations. When AMUN’s rules vary from those used at the United Nations, this is acknowledged and is only done to achieve a specific educational goal in the limited four days of a Model UN simulation.

Why does AMUN focus on the “will of the body”?

AMUN strives in both our staff training and in our practices at the Conference to focus on the needs and desires of the students who are participating in this educational endeavor. Our committee rules thus focus, as do the rules at the United Nations, on allowing for the “will of the body.” As representatives of sovereign nations, AMUN feels strongly that each delegation has the right to pursue their policies as they see fit, directed by their research into that country and by the diplomatic circumstances of the Conference. Our staff, whether on the dais or behind the scenes, will always strive to allow each student the best possible experience. While the “needs of the body” and the educational priorities of the simulations may sometimes create a situation in which we cannot fully facilitate the requests of a specific representative (e.g. a request to change voting procedures from a simple majority to a 3/4 majority vote), AMUN staff members will at all times attempt to fully explain their rulings on decisions, either before the body or in a one-on-one conversation with the requesting representative/delegation.

Why does AMUN allow different procedural points?

While the UN only allows Points of Order on the rules of procedure, AMUN also allows Points of Information, to ask questions or clarifications of the chair, and Points of Inquiry, to ask questions of the preceding speaker. The ability to request information from the chair while on the floor is useful for students who may become confused during the often long and complex proceedings at a Model UN conference. Additionally, the ability to ask questions of a speaker is a great way to determine other countries’ policies and to get to the heart of a particular topic or issue. While AMUN expects that students will arrive as experts on “their country,” it is impossible for any given college student to know the policies of all states with whom they may work during the week. For this reason, the ability to question a speaker on the floor is a helpful part of the educational process.

Why doesn’t AMUN use a Speakers’ List?

Unlike the formal proceedings of the United Nations and many Model UN conferences, AMUN does not use speakers lists but rather has speakers who are called upon by our trained chairs and dais staff. At the United Nations, speakers lists are used as a convenience for delegations making formal, pre-drafted policy statements from their governments, often in front of a lightly-attended committee. Typically, very little actual “debate” goes on during these formal sessions utilizing speakers’ lists. After an initial round of formal opening speeches on the topics, most committees will move into much less formal sessions, often done behind closed doors, in smaller groups and in meeting rooms away from the main session. While a United Nations committee will occasionally reconvene for another round of formal debate, it is much more common for all of the work of a committee to be done behind the scenes. These less formal proceedings then lead into a final session to formalize what was agreed upon, bring a resolution to the floor, make any necessary changes and then vote on passage of the resolution.

By contrast, Model UN conferences feature many actual debates, compromises and persuasive speeches which are made from the floor. In not using speakers’ lists, AMUN allows for more timely debate on a subject, with speakers better able to respond to the subject immediately at hand, as compared to preparing a speech which may not be presented for many hours. This more closely simulates the “back room” consultations which go on over the course of the year at the United Nations, leading to the final session in which any agreements are formalized in a resolution.

AMUN chairs are trained to recognize speakers in a fair and equitable manner, and feedback from past AMUN participants and faculty advisors has been generally positive on the decision to not utilize speakers’ lists.

Why can’t committees discuss more than one resolution?

Although the United Nations technically allows multiple resolutions on the floor at one time, they will typically only address one issue through one resolution at any given session. Allowing only one resolution on the floor at a time requires participants to work harder behind the scenes to iron out their differences and encourages the combination of ideas on a subject from the many bloc groups which naturally arise. Participants are still welcome to discuss multiple resolutions, but these must be brought to the floor for full debate, amendment and voting one at a time.

Why does the Security Council use different rules?

The smaller size of AMUN’s Security Council and Historical Security Council allow these bodies to more closely follow the actions taken by this body in the UN system. The Security Council is a body in which it is paramount to hear the views of all members, since they act not only as representatives of their own countries, but also as representatives of the international community. This often includes both very formal procedures when discussing issues in open formal session, and  a much more direct and focused approach when in the more informal consultative session (see description below). Among other areas, AMUN replicates this process in the use of open procedural debate on motions. Interviews with representatives who have sat on the Security Council in New York led to the realization that the Council does not use pro and con speeches for debate on motions, but rather allows for full debate on a motion until the body has exhausted what it has to say. In practice, this and other Security Council specific rules give a greater flavor for the uniqueness and importance of the Security Council and its members at the United Nations.

What is an Consultative Session?

Duplicating United Nations practice, both the Security Council and ECOSOC may choose to spend their time in “consultative session.” As opposed to a typical caucus, consultative sessions usually involve representatives sitting at their places in the meeting but conducting their discussions off-line, in a much less formal setting, and not constrained by the formal protocols (both in rules and speaking) required in regular debate. Consultative sessions can greatly facilitate the negotiating process, and much of these Councils’ time can be spent in these sessions, only going into formal session to codify and vote on resolutions and amendments. Consultative sessions may also be used in ECOSOC subsidiary bodies, which provide simulations of different regional commissions, functional commissions and expert bodies each year.

What is “germane” to the topic in an AMUN debate?

While many Model United Nations conferences restrict discussion to the immediate item on the floor (the resolution, amendment, etc.), AMUN follows the United Nations practice in allowing the sovereign nations represented to discuss any aspect of the topic area on the floor which they feel is relevant. This may include discussion of the overall topic, of a resolution or amendment on the floor, of another proposed resolution or amendment or even discussion of moving discussion to another more relevant topic area. AMUN’s chairs will provide a wide latitude in allowing for germaneness in speeches.


What is AMUN’s Home Government?

Home Government (HG) is the ultimate source of substantive, content specific information at the AMUN Conference. AMUN’s rules staff (committee chairs and council presidents) are trained as neutral facilitators of the discussion in their body; unlike some Conferences which use a “director” structure, AMUN chairs and presidents do not become involved in the content, leaving that up to the sovereign nations debating in the body. Home Government, on the other hand, is intended as a substantive resource for our simulations. One of the more interactive ways HG can enhance a simulation is through roleplayers. Representatives are encouraged to seek expert testimony and advice to guide their discussions, such as from representatives of United Nations bodies or subject matter experts; HG can provide these roleplayers. HG can also assist  representatives if they have any questions about specific issues on a topic (resolutions, treaties, etc.) or about their nations’ policy on an issue. While AMUN expects that all participants will seriously prepare for the Conference, limits on preparation time and materials often leads to a situation in which a representative needs more information. HG staff are trained and experienced researchers with significant resources at their disposal to assist in answering students questions. Questions can range from “can I see a copy of GA/1234/add.1?” to “I’ve researched my topic area, but what’s my country’s policy on ________?” You can engage the services of HG through your simulation’s rapporteurs (or simulations staff for the Security Council and Historical Security Council).

What is AMUN’s Rapporteur Department?

The Rapporteur Department was created to ensure resolutions and reports follow the proper format and the content is within purview. As members of the Dais, Rapporteurs create a link between Representatives and the Dias.

The Rapporteur and the Special Rapporteur are members of the Rapporteur Department, seated within the committee rooms. A Rapporteur is assigned to general committees, such as ECOSOC, whereas a Special Rapporteur is assigned to special committees in which a report is written. Both serve the same general function.

Rapporteurs are placed in committee rooms to help Representatives in drafting their resolutions or reports, making sure the resolutions or reports are formatted properly and are within purview. Rapporteurs have a knowledge of proper resolution format and committee specific content knowledge, making them qualified to establish purview. Rapporteurs also serve as a gateway to many of the Secretariat’s other departments, such as the International Press Delegation and Home Government, and can help Representatives access the services these departments provide.

What is AMUN’s Delegate Services?

AMUN uses professional techniques and extremely efficient processing equipment in our Delegate Services Lab, which is responsible for supporting the logistical needs of delegations and providing all of the paperwork for the conference. We provide a large network of computers for delegations to type their resolutions.  Our systems will have access to all required Google Drive space and Suite access. This will allow delegations to work on their draft resolutions should they not have access to a personal computer.

What is AMUN’s Conference Services?

AMUN’s Conference Services is set up in a central area to provide information about the Conference or about options for participants during meal breaks or after-hours. Our Conference Services staff can direct you to a committee, suggest a restaurant, get you directions to a particular location in the city or help you contact AMUN leadership should you have any special questions or concerns. Conference Services also provides AMUN souvenirs to take back with you as a remembrance of the Conference.

What does the International Press Delegation do?

Since its inception, AMUN has provided a simulation of the international press functions at the United Nations. While an International Press Delegation (IPD) does not exist at the UN, AMUN’s IPD allows students to act as a member of the international press covering various UN events. This coverage is then compiled into a daily newspaper, the AMUN Chronicle, which is distributed to all students. In addition to reporters circulating throughout the simulations and writing articles, delegations may submit press releases or hold news conferences for inclusion in the Chronicle.

How can I participate in the International Court of Justice?

Our International Court of Justice (ICJ) is unlike most other ICJ simulations in that students act as both judges and advocates to the ICJ. First, cases are determined and assigned to individual delegations to argue as advocates. Additionally, any delegation may choose to submit amicus curiae (Friend of the Court) briefs on any case(s) in which their country has a vested interest. Finally, 15 students are chosen by a separate application process to serve as the ICJ Justices. With the assistance of the ICJ staff, these students set Court procedure and hear each case in oral argument. During the arguments, advocate(s) from each side present their cases before an actively questioning Court, with opportunities for rebuttal. Following the oral argument, the Justices move into closed deliberative session to discuss the legal merits of each case and collaboratively draft the opinion of the Court.

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