Your Friendly Neighborhood Rapporteurs

At a typical Conference, when you walk into any GA or ECOSOC committee, you would immediately see two tables  at the front of the room with staffers wearing blue badges. Seated at one dais are committee Chairs and Presidents, with gavels and minutes forms. Then, at the other table, there are staffers with binders. Lots of binders. This year, the scene will be slightly different, but the roles are the same. These are AMUN’s rapporteurs. 

In talking with Rebecca Thomas, the Undersecretary General of Rapporteurs, the Rapporteur Department’s roles fall  into two categories: document processing and one-on-one interaction. Rapporteurs examine every draft report, resolution and amendment to ensure that they are within purview of their corresponding committee. They also check for proper AMUN format and clear, grammatically correct content. The department is in charge of keeping track of all the documents, so if you need to know the status of any draft, your rapporteurs will be able to share that information. Rapporteurs can help point out potential collaborators based on drafts that they have edited too.

For rapporteurs, going virtual changes their typical interactions with representatives. This year, representatives have been given more tools to assist with their resolutions and their interactions with rapporteurs will be done via email. Lists of what should be included in these emailed interactions can be used to help make the interaction go smoothly. One-on-ones between staff and representatives may be slightly more awkward over our virtual platform, but the rapporteurs are determined to make genuine connections with their committees. Rapporteurs will circulate during suspensions and working groups will have names to help the Rapporteur department keep track of representatives.

Rapporteurs can help you stay on track, clarify rules, and, if they don’t know the answer to your question, they can connect you with someone who can. If you find yourself needing any help in your GA or ECOSOC committee, reach out to your rapporteur team.

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