Women, the girl child and HIV/AIDs: a Draft Report

Commission on the Status of Women

Commission on the Status of Women

The Representatives of Turkmenistan, Nicaragua, Chile, Russian Federation, Brazil, Estonia, Denmark, Peru, Canada, Cuba, Israel, Philippines, Singapore and Ghana have submitted a draft report in CSW. 

In SECTION I: Access to Testing of the draft report is about access to testing and gives a brief summary of global conditions and gives recommendations. According to the report, “the Commission stresses the importance of increasing accessibility for younger girls to have access to non-judgmental and confidential testing.” The body is expressing deep concern with the fact that many testing facilities mandate parental consent for those under 18 to receive testing.   

SECTION II of the draft report, Access to Antiretroviral Therapy, covers access to antiretroviral therapy and again gives a global summary and offers recommendations. Here, the Commission urges countries to create and promote “anonymous treatment to overcome fear and stigma and encourage women and the girl child to access treatment.”

In SECTION IV: Resource Centers and Community Outreach, Representatives of Israel, Ghana and Niger discuss the lasting effects of secxual and domestic violence. In the recommendations section, “this Commission acknowledges that there has been an increase in States that consider… rape a punishable crime, but sees the need for this trend to continue.”
In the final section of the draft report, SECTION IV: Resource Centers and Community Outreach Representatives of Turkmenistan, Nicaragua, Chile, Russian Federation, Brazil, Estonia, Denmark, Peru, Canada, Cuba, Israel, Philippines, Singapore and Ghana discuss ideas for community outreach and resource centers for women and the girl child who suffer from HIV/AIDs.

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