What is the International Court of Justice?

By: Raegan Mach, AMUN Staff

The Justices of the AMUN International Court of Justice (ICJ) convened today in the Mayfair Room to discuss the importance of the ICJ simulation, the functions of the Court, and the role of the Justices. The Justices shared that they are hearing three cases in the Court this year: Passage through the Great Belt: Finland v. Denmark, Kasikili/Sedudu Island: Botswana & Namibia, and Advisory Opinion: Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons (Italy, Marshall Islands, Netherlands, and Qatar). President Patel and Vice President Kalla discussed important information regarding the functions of the ICJ. 

During the press conference, President Patel said, “ICJ has been a wonderful experience collaborating with my fellow Justices in deliberating our first case. Analyzing and applying different international treaties to these complex issues and identifying the ambiguities has been a great learning experience. The advocates have also been exceptional and incredibly well-prepared. I look forward to hearing the arguments for the remaining cases and the following deliberations.”

Additionally, Vice President Kalla shared, “As a new Justice within the esteemed International Court of Justices, I endeavored to encapsulate my immersion in this judicious experience. The journey thus far has proven to be nothing less than extraordinary. Alongside my distinguished Justices, diligent efforts have been invested in our deliberations, wherein we have assiduously scrutinized and analyzed pertinent facts germane to the intricacies before us. The collective dedication of all participants—be they advocates, Justices, or the Registrar—manifests a commendable level of preparedness, contributing to the overall efficiency of our proceedings here at AMUN. With great optimism, I eagerly anticipate the continuation of our collaborative endeavors throughout the remaining cases, confident in the shared commitment to the pursuit of justice.”

Are you interested in participating in the Court next year? A student can apply to be a Justice of the Court by visiting amun.org/icj, and they will be notified of their participation in this simulation within one week.

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