Voices of the Global South in the Commission on Population and Development

A group of Representatives meeting around a large circular table.

By: Zachary Danevicz, Student Reporter*

Countries within the Southern Hemisphere share that their voices are not adequately heard. After feeling passed over, several nations banded together in a voting bloc – the Voices of the Global South (VGS).

India took charge of this effort, bringing to light the struggles many globally Southern countries face in the body. Cuba, Mexico and Botswana assisted India in the creation of the VGS. Representative Breanna Taylor of India said, “VGS was something that other membering states on CPD created because the Global South’s voices were not being heard when we were speaking on topics or that our votes were mattering on our own.” 

Mexico is another leader in the matter of VGS. Representative Symone Guy of Mexico said, “That’s what it’s about: giving the unheard voices [the ability to] shed the light on issues that truly matter and giving them the recognition they deserve in partnerships with developed countries.” The creation of this group furthered the availability for the smaller southern States to voice their concerns and comments, providing strength in numbers and increasing the power of their views. 

To conclude, the discussion today focused on clarifying the body’s understanding of VGS’ purpose. Botswana clarified that VGS will not be writing resolutions but will be advocating the voices of the VGS Members.

The views and opinions expressed in this article were part of simulation of the United Nations held from 18 to 21 November 2023 and do not reflect the views and opinions of the American Model United Nations Conference, American Model United Nations International, LLC., Zachary Danevicz, Grand Rapids Community College or the governing bodies of the states mentioned in the article.

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