The ECA Passes Report 1

By: Korey Rees, Student Reporter

**Celebrations in the ECA moments after the passing of resolution

Despite a number of key delegations being absent, the ECA rallied, completed and passed Report 1. Representatives were alarmed to discover multiple delegations were not in attendance because of travel. This was concerning given that “Some of [the absent states had] fully or mostly authored documents and had been in contact with the rapporteur about them,” said Representative Sofia Steele of Equatorial Guinea. This created a great deal of pressure and the anxiety was mounting as the ECA had covered all substantive areas and was just waiting for confirmation from the rapporteur. 

However, ECA was not fazed and quickly worked to edit these documents. Libya, who was the original writer of Document JJ, was no longer in attendance, but very quickly a coalition of states including Gabon, Angola and Ethiopia then formed to complete the edits. Likewise Document UU, sponsored by the now absent Algeria, edited by Equatorial Guinea. 

While the original voice for Document JJ was gone, the body strove to maintain the spirit of their words during the editing process. Representative Laura Hung of Ethiopia stated, “we are all very cautious of not stepping on each other’s toes if any edits need to be made,” and Representative Tristan McDonough of Gabon stated that each sponsor gets first crack at any edits suggested by the Dais. 

In light of Report one passing Representative Sanvi Lamba of Angola stated “how great a collaborative effort it had been” and how pleased Angola would be to see all of the hard work from the last four days pay off. Representative Laura Hung of Ethiopia stated “Ethiopia stands firmly and proudly behind the fact that we were able to pass this altogether as a body.” 

While the ECA was unable to pass the report for topic two, they are pleased with the work they have done and expect the report to have a great impact on women entrepreneurship and female empowerment in the workplace. 

**Placard vote of the ECA to adopt the executive summary of Draft Report 1

*The views and opinions expressed in this article were part of a simulation of the United Nations held from 18 to 21 November 2023 and do not reflect the views and opinions of the American Model United Nations Conference, American Model United Nations International, LLC. or the governing bodies of the states mentioned in the article.

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