Tensions High Between China and Burkina Faso in GA Second

By: Ashley Lauren Wasik, Student Reporter*

On Monday at 6:30pm in the General Assembly Second Committee, Representatives of China held a press conference to address the issues and conflict between them and the delegation of Burkina Faso. The press conference particularly addressed financial aid – provided by China – to African States and the lack of reciprocated support for resolutions supported by China.

Representatives of China stated that they are one of the only powers providing aid to the region, and ask only for diplomatic support from Burkina Faso. According to China, Burkina Faso is unwilling to pass any resolutions sponsored by China. In response, China has decided to limit financial aid to Burkina Faso. Commenting on this development, Representative Ryun Hoffert of Burkina Faso said, “Burkina Faso is incredibly saddened to hear the negativity that the most recent GA2 press conference given by China devolved into. At this time we are reconsidering our relations with the People’s Republic of China, especially considering the threats of revocation of funding that were communicated in the GA2 assembly to all African nations if the People’s Republic of China’s resolution CC was not supported.”

At an 8:40 pm press conference, Representative Ryun Hoffert of Burkina Faso said, “[We are] incredibly saddened to hear the negativity that the most recent GA2 press conference, given by China, devolved into. At this time we are reconsidering our relations with the People’s Republic of China, especially considering the threats of revocation of funding that were communicated in the GA2 assembly to all African nations if the People’s Republic of China’s resolution CC was not supported.” They ended the conference with the announcement that they recognize the sovereignty of Taiwan over mainland China. 

Prior to this announcement, China’s draft resolution CC had several signatures from African States. Those states have since removed any support for China or and have now said, in the press conference, that they will not vote on resolution CC. However, only Burkina Faso has completely severed ties with China.

In response, Representatives Shannon Mullan and McKenzie Means of China said, “China is concerned with the validity of comments made by Burkina Faso due to their lack of presence at [our] press conference… Burkina Faso’s decision to sever ties with China may have been ill-considered due to the current economic stance.”  After both conferences and work in the Committee, it seemed unlikely China and Burkina Faso would mend their relationship in the 2nd committee.

*The views and opinions expressed in this article were part of a simulation of the United Nations held from 18 to 21 November 2023 and do not reflect the views and opinions of the American Model United Nations Conference, American Model United Nations International, LLC. or the governing bodies of the states mentioned in the article.

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