Press Release from Burkina Faso in GA 3

By: Burkina Faso While this paper addresses several important topics, it continues to neglect the needs of third-world countries, as well as those of conflict-ridden zones. All nations should be free to make their own legislation, without being pressured to conform to...

Press Release from Côte D’Ivoire in ITU

By: Côte D’Ivoire Members of the International Telecommunication Union, The Delegation of the Republic of Côte D’Ivoire is proud to have worked diligently with nations like Germany, Mexico, Austria and many others to further the development of solutions regarding ITU...

Press Release from Myanmar in GA 3

By: Myanmar Dear Delegates of the Third Committee of the General Assembly, The Republic of the Union of Myanmar stands as a valiant example of the extraordinary sacrifices nations undergo to foster international communication and collaboration. Our esteemed...

Oral arguments: Botswana/Namibia

By: Hannah Holmberg, AMUN Staff Yesterday, Botswana and Namibia presented arguments concerning the legal status and boundary of Kasikili/Sedudu Island. The Chobe River flows between the two countries, and Kasikili/Sedudu Island lies within that river. They disagree as...

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