by Raegan Mach | Nov 19, 2023 | AMUN Chronicle
By: Raegan Mach Today, the International Court of Justice heard oral arguments from the advocates from Finland and Denmark regarding Passage Through the Great Belt. The Great Belt (Storebælt) is a strait of water that passes through Danish territory and is one...
by Claudia Barney | Nov 19, 2023 | AMUN Chronicle
By: Claudia Barney, Staff Reporter The Human Rights Council (HCR), an intergovernmental body tasked with the protection of all human rights, began their discussions on the topic of the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation, and are making quick progress...
by Student Reporter | Nov 19, 2023 | AMUN Chronicle
By: Zachary Danevicz, Student Reporter* As of late 2022 the world population has surpassed eight billion humans. People are living longer, surviving illnesses and fertility rates are steady. The Commission on Population and Development’s question of how to sustain...
by Student Reporter | Nov 19, 2023 | AMUN Chronicle
By: Walter Aleksic, Student Reporter* The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is addressing two critical issues: enhancing digital inclusion for indigenous peoples and improving information and communication technology (ICT) accessibility for persons with...
by Press Release | Nov 19, 2023 | AMUN Chronicle
By: Botswana Dear Economic Commission of Africa members, The Republic of Botswana firmly believes that women’s economic empowerment is a vital component of sustainable development and progress worldwide. We hope that our fellow African countries and...