GA3 Monday Morning Update

Statement from Turkey: The General Assembly Third Committee switched topics late Sunday night to Topic Area II: Assistance to refugees, returnees and displaced peoples in Africa. Representative Zane Phillips of Turkey gave an impactful speech on not just refugees in...

Transparency in Global Health Crises

GA Plenary: Building on lessons learned from both the SARS-COV-2 and COVID-19 pandemics, the General Assembly Plenary session passed Resolution GA Plen/II/1 with a vote of 24/5/2. The resolution encourages the World Health Organization to consolidate current reporting...

GA1 Sunday Afternoon Update

The Results of Saturday Night Member States of GA1 express excitement to work together, pledging to work towards peaceful resolutions. The Representatives of Austria expressed wishes to create a GroupMe to make sharing information easier. The Representative of Austria...

GA4 Sunday Morning Update

Assistance in Mine Action: General Assembly 4 is in discussion of topic area 1: Assistance in Mine Action. Mexico gave a speech on being one of few Member States that has never used landmines and requested that the body protect all peoples from the devastating harm...

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