by Abigail Goldman | Nov 22, 2022 | AMUN Chronicle
In a press conference on 21 November, Australia shocked the General Assembly Plenary by stating Australia would “no longer recognize the authority of King Charles II.” With the death of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II on the 8 September 2022, Australia has reevaluated...
by Chedly Mouelhi | Nov 22, 2022 | AMUN Chronicle
Monday while debating the second topic of GA Second Committee, combating illicit financial flows, Palestine gave a speech about the situation in their country. During the speech they called out Israel for using money for illegal reasons. In an interview with the...
by Press Release | Nov 22, 2022 | AMUN Chronicle
While many Western Member States may have the privilege to be far removed from the atrocities and terror that IEDs bring to smaller countries, we are not so lucky. We look upon Afghanistan and see the starving and war torn citizens in dire need of help, rather than...
by Abigail Goldman | Nov 22, 2022 | AMUN Chronicle
The morning session of GA Third Committee closed debate on Resolution GA3/II/4. This resolution is on the Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), the optional research of GMOs in food production, and, as Representative Maggie Funston of Honduras stated, the Committee...
by Chedly Mouelhi | Nov 22, 2022 | AMUN Chronicle
As anyone who has ever been interested in international politics knows, whether you like it or not some States exude more influence than others, especially when it comes to voting. Even though every State receives one vote, powerful States such as the United States,...