by Nia Indelicato | Dec 4, 2018 | Two Point Two
[This post is a transcript of remarks delivered by the Secretary-General of the 2018 American Model United Nations Conference during the Closing Plenary Session.] Welcome to Tuesday! Congratulations—on making it here and for all you have accomplished. Over the course...
by Shannon L. Dunn | Nov 30, 2018 | Two Point Two
[This post is a transcript of remarks delivered at the Opening Plenary Session of the 2018 American Model United Nations Conference.] You’ve heard of an elevator pitch, right? It’s how you describe something to someone when you only have an elevator ride to make your...
by Jacqueline E Whitt | Nov 16, 2018 | Two Point Two
The AMUN Secretariat has converged on the Sheraton. Computers are set up. Copies are being made. Staff are in training. Humidifiers are going, and water is being consumed at a stunning rate. We can’t wait for you to join us for AMUN 2018! We have a few important...
by Shannon L. Dunn | Nov 6, 2018 | Two Point Two
Each member of the General Assembly shall have one vote. ~UN Charter, Chapter 4, Article 18 Conference hasn’t even started, but here at AMUN, we are already making our plans for next. Information on next year’s dates, simulations and hotel will be available on our...
by Chap Nowicke | Apr 3, 2018 | Turtle Bay
On 3 October 1946, the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations established the Population Commission. In December of 1994, on the heels of the International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo, Egypt, the United Nations renamed it the...