by Samantha Howe | Nov 20, 2022 | AMUN Chronicle
The UNESCO virtual committee is hard at work debating and solutioning across both of its assigned topics, “Strategy for youth and adult literacy (2020-2025)” and “Declaration of Ethical Principles in relation to Climate Change.” The body voted to first open the floor...
by Samantha Howe | Nov 23, 2021 | AMUN Chronicle
So, my fellow AMUN’ers, last year, as AMUN hosted a fully virtual conference in October, I waxed poetic about missing the Sheraton’s beautiful Christmas decorations that are placed during the November conference. With thanks for effective vaccines and science that...
by Samantha Howe | Nov 23, 2021 | AMUN Chronicle
The Commission on Population and Development wrapped up a full day of deliberations, caucusing and writing to deliver and pass two resolutions. One passed unanimously and the other was adopted by consensus, demonstrating a high level of negotiation and consideration...
by Samantha Howe | Nov 22, 2021 | AMUN Chronicle
GA Plenary Sunday Round Up: The General Assembly Plenary worked at full speed to pass two resolutions Saturday afternoon and evening, both addressing health concerns after the COVID-19 pandemic for Topic 2: Global health and foreign policy. The first resolution,...
by Samantha Howe | Nov 21, 2021 | AMUN Chronicle
GA Plenary: Building on lessons learned from both the SARS-COV-2 and COVID-19 pandemics, the General Assembly Plenary session passed Resolution GA Plen/II/1 with a vote of 24/5/2. The resolution encourages the World Health Organization to consolidate current reporting...