How AMUN Made Me Successful in Med School

When I look back on the journey that led me to medical school, it’s not just my passion for science or my commitment to healthcare that stands out. A significant influence on my success that garners many inquiries is my involvement in American Model United Nations...

Join AMUN Staff!

Wondering about the perks of being a volunteer AMUN staffer? It’s a great opportunity to stay involved with the Model UN community, and you’ll get to work with awesome people. AMUN Staff has an extensive organization of alumni which represents an excellent networking...

Join AMUN Staff!

Join AMUN STAFF! Worried that this might be your last Model UN Conference? Keep the good times rolling and apply to join AMUN Staff. Interviews occur while you are here in Chicago; but don’t worry—you don’t need to have a resume ready to start the process of joining...

Op-Ed: Joining Staff

I have never once regretted joining AMUN’s Secretariat. As a Representative, I hesitated to apply because my field of expertise was incredibly different from what I assumed a Secretariat member’s should be. After joining, I quickly discovered how diverse the staff is,...

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