Breaking News: Arab-Israeli Crisis in HSC-73

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5:01 a.m. – Motion for a suspension of the meeting passed.

4:58 a.m. – Resolution HSC/8 was adopted by a vote of 13-0-2. The Resolution calls for a cessation of armed conflict within 72 hours and formally reminds to Israel to respect acknowledge the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every State in the area,

4:56 a.m. – Austria on Draft Resolution HSC/8: “first step of many to establishing peace in the Middle East.”

4:22 a.m. – Draft Resolution HSC/7 by a vote of 10-1-3 failed due to a lack of consensus from the P5.

4:15 a.m. – Israeli forces have crossed the Suez Canal and are preparing for attacks on Egyptian cities including Cairo. Fighting continues in the Golan Heights.

3:20 a.m. – A Representative for the United Arab Front (consisting of Egypt, Syria and Lebanon) states: “It is inadmissible to acquire land due to war. We object to the fact that Israel was even allowed into the United Nations despite the terms that they agreed to, terms which they are currently violating. The UN is still treating Israel as a respectable Member State even when they are explicitly violating these peace terms.”

2:19 a.m.Press release: “The Commonwealth of Australia, The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, French Republic and the Republic of Panama would like to reaffirm our support for the importance of national sovereignty in the Middle East in light of escalating conflict.”

2:12 a.m. – Egypt and Israel made statements to the Council regarding their positions on a ceasefire. No sign of an impending agreement.

1:49 a.m. – Sudan: “We still support our Arab brothers in this action but we disagree with the surprise nature of this attack.”

1:46 a.m. – “Israeli and Egyptian representatives are prepared to speak to this body” – UN Spokesperson

1:41 a.m. – Austria states, “We will have time to determine the facts of the dispute later,” and joins calls to request parties to the dispute to appear before the Council immediately following a ceasefire.

1:08 a.m. – The Security Council convenes to address the crisis in the Sinai Peninsula.

1 a.m. – It’s 8 October 1973, the Egyptian Army crossed the Suez Canal into the Israeli-controlled Sinai Peninsula early on the 6th of October. The Israeli defenses along the Canal (the Bar-Lev Line), previously considered impenetrable, have been breached. In the resulting confusion, the Israeli counter-attack has been beaten and has fallen back in disarray. The Egyptian success appears to be due in part to Soviet supplied Surface to Air Missiles shooting down a number of Israeli warplanes. The Syrian Army has launched a major attack into the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. Reports are suggesting intense combat in that area.

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