Security Council Faces Crisis: Civil War in Palestine Amid Renewed Attack on Israeli Settlements

By: Taylor Mangold and Ethan Lehman-Pace, Student Reporters*

This is a developing story.

11:00 pm – The Palestinian government confirmed the death of President Mahmoud Abbas. President Abbas’ right hand man Hussein al-Sheik’s attempted swearing in ended in a protest preventing him from assuming the office and Jenin declaring itself an independent Palestinian state after refusing to recognize Hussein al-Sheik’s presidency. Separately, after an attack that left at least 200 dead in the Israeli settlement of Huwara, Israel has announced it would respond with “appropriate force” to protect Israeli civilians.

11: 47 pm – A Representative of Palestine delivers a speech, claiming they are devastated by the lives lost in the recent terrorist attack in the West Bank. They proclaim to that they will defend Palestinian sovereignty and territorial integrity.

11:53 pm – A Representative of Palestinian claims they have no knowledge on the attack on the Israeli settlement of Huwara, stating any claims made by Israel are inflammatory. They then claim that Palestine’s control is most stable over the West Bank. 

11:54 pm – Palestine asks the Security Council to take action to repel Israeli soldiers from the Gaza Strip, however Palestine expresses their preference for the United Stations to refrain from meddling in Palestine’s domestic affairs.

11:56 pm – A Representative of Israel asks the Representative of Palestine about the widespread refusal within Palestine to accept the Presidency of Hussain al-Sheik.

11: 58 pm – A Representative of Palestine says that Palestine is in a transition period that comes with change, they say the situation will resolve itself

11:59 pm – Israel states it is committed to the protection of Palestinian civilians, but says any action taken will be against enemies. They are asked to confirm if full force is only limited to perpetrators, leaving civilians alone. Israel says that it agrees with that assessment.

12:01 am – A Representative of Israel says they do not know who committed the attack, claiming Gaza is in shambles.

12:09 am – A Representative of Palestine claims that the Israeli government can not find evidence Palestine has committed these attacks and was quick to blame them. A Representative of Palestine affirms that they will only defend what they can. 

12:09 am – A Representative of Israel states that an Islamic fundamentalist group has been linked to the attacks.

12:10 am – A Representative of Palestine recognizes their people are displaced and in danger across Palestine, regardless of if they are in the Gaza Strip or the West Bank. The Representative urges for the Security Council to end the further displacement of the Palestinian people.

12:11 am – Motion to 15-minute suspension of the meeting to gather thoughts is called for and passes.

12: 38 am – Reporting live from the West Bank, Hezbollah was seen launching rockets at settlements in the northern portion of the West Bank. President Hussain al-Sheik is currently barricaded in a government building in Hamallah after being surrounded by protestors who refuse to recognize him as president and attempted to have him removed. Violence escalates between Palestinians and Israeli settlers. 300 settlers were reported as casualties, including 100 dead, and 400 Palestinians arrested.

12:42 am – A motion for 20 a minute suspension of meeting is proposed and adopted by consensus.

1:00 am – A Representative of Palestine claims that the people’s voices have been heard, they plan to appoint Marwan Barghouti as the new President. The Representative of Palestine said, “We believe he will be a legitimate leader for all Palestinian people regardless of location.” The belief is he will be highly supported due to capabilities shown in previous conflicts. They would also like to call for his immediate release from Israeli detainment. All measures will be taken for his swift release. The Russian Federation, Switzerland, and Ecuador echoed their support, arguing that given the current Palestinian security risks that Marwan Barghouti is the best candidate for presidency. 

1:19 am – The Security Council discusses general solutions and methods to alleviate conflict between Palestine and Israel. Geological concerns and cultural issues could slow the assistance.

1:24 am – The new President of Palestine, Marwan Barghouti, is questioned by several Representatives in the Security Council. 

1:30 am – A motion for a 10-minute consultative session is proposed and passed with consensus.

1:45 am – The Security Council unanimously approves SC/PRST/-1/1, which condemned the violence seen across the West Bank and urged for a two-state solution.

1:49 am – Russia requests a motion to meet with Representatives of Israel and Palestine for 30 minutes, together to discuss their shared conflict. 

1:52 am – A motion to suspend the meeting for ten minutes is passed by consensus.

2:06 am – The President of the Security Council announces that Representatives of Israel and Palestine are not ready to meet yet.

2:07 am – A Representative of Gabon proposes consideration for Resolution SC 7. A Representative of the United Kingdom wants to reaffirm the two-state solution, echoes the independence of states, and strives to ensure confidence that their initiative will work. 

2:16 am – The United States disagrees with the closure of debate over Resolution SC 7. Gabon argues the border lines should be reestablished in order to ease tensions between Palestine and Israel.

2:19 am – Closure of Debate : 12/1/2, Passed. Voting procedure for Resolution SC 7 begins.

2:21 am – Draft Resolution SC 7 : 12/1/2, Fails. Lack of consent from the United States results in the veto of Resolution SC 7.

2:25 am – The parties to the dispute are ready to speak. A Representative of Russia requests a 30 minute consultative session moderated by a Representative of Albania with the Representatives of Palestine and Israel as parties to the dispute. 14/0/1, Passes. 

2:30 am – A Representative of Israel speaks first, stating their disdain for the allegations of attempting a puppet government in Palestine. They reaffirm their commitment to protecting settlers in the West Bank.

2:33 am – A Representative of Palestine expresses disapproval that the Security Council did not encourage goodwill between Palestine and Israel to create a better solution, allowing the relationship to further deteriorate. 

2:38 am – A Representative of Palestine proclaims they have given too much in land, resources and human lives already. That Representative states that an equitable compromise should be reached between the two Parties.

2:42 am – A Representative of the United Arab Emirates offers Palestine and Israel a chance to assist in drafting a resolution. 

2:45 am – A Representative of Israel says that their aerial attacks are an act of defense and supported by the Israeli government in order to keep civilians safe. They also state the United Nations are welcome to assist in their protection.

2:46 am – International law enforcement is questioned by a Representative of Palestine, claiming Israel is disregarding the sovereignty of Palestine and making transportation difficult, which leaves civilians unable to obtain vital resources.

2:50 am – A Representative of Mozambique says that Israel and Palestine demand the same things, safety and security for their people, provoking Palestine to say that leaving Israeli Defence Forces on their territory is a violation of Palestinian sovereignty.

2:55 am – Consultative session ends. A Representative of Mozambique proposes a 25 minute unmoderated consultative session, however the Representatives of the United States and Ecuador contest that the incoming draft resolution SC 8 should be discussed instead. A Representative of Gabon explains that it is better to discuss the resolution and amend the details before it enters into a vote to keep the resolution from being rejected. The Representative of Mozambique retracts their motion shortly afterwards.

3:00 am – A Representative of the United Kingdom expresses their confidence in Resolution SC 8, affirming that it has a high likelihood to be passed since there has been adequate conversation between P5 members of the Security Council. A division of the question is made to Resolution SC 8, dividing a clause into two parts in order to save time for bringing another resolution to discussion in the case the first one fails.

3:10 am – A Representative of Gabon urges for SC 8 to be passed as time for the emergency meeting is elapsing.

3:12 am – A Representative of the United Arab Emirates shares that Israel is in favor of the revised SC 8, they call for a division for preambular clause 3 and for a closure of debate on SC 8. The closure debate is held first. Unanimous acceptance of the closure of the debate.

3:18 am – Preambular clause 3 in draft resolution fails due to lack of consent from permanent members. Voting for all other clauses in the draft resolution. Passes with consensus.

3:22 am – A sigh of relief sweeps the Security Council. Meeting is adjourned until 10 am.

The views and opinions expressed in this article were part of a simulation of the United Nations held from 18 to 21 November 2023 and do not reflect the views and opinions of the American Model United Nations Conference, American Model United Nations International, LLC. or the governing bodies of the states mentioned in the article.

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