Security Council: Breaking News – Crisis in Sudan

Written by Reporters Katelyn Jamoul & Eleanor Randall

11:00 pm – 25 November 2024:The Sudanese government has announced the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) have begun shelling Al-Fasher and the Zamzam Refugee Camp with heavy artillery. The only working hospital in Al-Fasher was hit and the strike destroyed the electrical generator. Roughly 70 people have been killed due to the attack and an unknown number of people have died from famine. A large number of refugees are heading to Chad, numbers are at best estimates. There is no information on where RSF and Sudanese troops are moving towards in the region. 

11:19 pm – The Security Council has started discussions on finding a solution to the ongoing crisis in Sudan and Chad. The Council has brought up a motion for a Party to the Dispute for Sudan. Switzerland has made a statement on a short term solution of relocating refugees to Chad.

11:27 pm – The Security Council has voted to suspend the meeting for 10 minutes in a consultative session. Debate is on what areas are most important to hear first, and to gather all of the facts about the crisis before anything else. Representatives from China expressed the urgency to deliver humanitarian aid first and that the next step is figuring out the refugee situation: where they all have fled and where citizens have been relocated to. There is no current support for these new refugees near Chad and Sudan, and further delay in action will create more issues on time.

11:36 pm – France wants to remind the Council that there should be a consensus on a plan of action before any resolution drafts are written. France and Guyana are in agreement that there is a need for consensus and the halt of the current written ideas some Member States have started. Time has run out for the consultative session and Slovenia mentions a 3 pronged response to the crisis, first being rebuilding the hospital and getting generators on and collaborating with Switzerland, a response for security in the region, and humanitarian aid with immediate emergency aid for the displaced through the UN with Sudan and Chad.

11:39 pm – Slovenia motioned to bring in Chad and Sudan to gather more information on the ongoing crisis. Chad could not attend, but put trust in the African block within the Council to represent their interests.

11:48 pm – Representative Lorin Bucur of China said, “supporting the Sudanese government and their sovereignty is of the utmost importance,” showing China’s current priority in this crisis. 

11:53 pm – Mozambique shares the update that the African Union has provided the states of Algeria, Sierra Leone and Mozambique (A3) full authorization on both the AU and the Chadian interest in this matter, specifically in housing and aid. Focus specifically on humanitarian aid.

12:44 am – An interview was conducted with Sudan, with questions being about the cargo planes, refugees and humanitarian aid. When asked about the cargo planes flying in and out of the Al Fasher airport, which were confirmed to be from the Sudanese Government, Sudan declined to comment on what the planes might be carrying and or used for at this time. They have stated their commitment to protecting their citizens and their sovereignty. They want to ensure that the RSF can not continue to infringe upon the lives of Sudanese civilians. The Representatives of Sudan said that any aid they [the RSF] got is not peaceful aid, it comes only because of the RSF taking legitimate aid from the Sudanese government.

12:45 am – The Council has suggested a ceasefire and has started debate on the issue of refugees. Member States have expressed concern of Chad’s willingness to take on more refugees and making decisions on behalf of a party not represented. The African Member States in the Council noted that Chad is not in a position to accept more refugees from Sudan. 

1:11 am – Sudan has stated “[we] will not cooperate with the RSF or agree to any peace talks at this time and the only solution [we] see is if the RSF is .” Alergia proposed to condemn the actions of the RSF and Russia has voiced their support for this proposal.  

1:20 am – Representatives from both Canada and France both advocate for a ceasefire, and if one could be put into effect to move the injured out to receive aid. Sudan is not willing to come to peace talks and to cooperate with peacekeeping forces, as doing so would recognize the RSF as a legitimate group.

1:22 am – Sudan would only agree to humanitarian aid programs if they had full control. Sudan humanitarian aid is contributed, the RSF can not be involved in the conversation. “We prefer to not have many peacekeepers solely because Sudan has cooperated in the past and there were false narratives” said Representative Jocelyn Stark.

1:30 am – The Council voted on a consultative session for five minutes. The Representative of France recommends taking alternative actions through other methods besides aid and a ceasefire, since Sudan will not comply with either. There were also anonymous whispers of what might be on the cargo planes. The anonymous source has suggested that the planes are carrying military aid in plan of an attack on RSF.

1:52 am – Returning back to session, Slovenia leads discussion on who is in control of the hospital, with questions of donating money to repair and install generators within the hospital. The United States Representatives pledge to give support through monetary aid and also through humanitarian aid only for Chad.

2:05 am – Slovenia is currently working on a three prong based paper with the main ideas being, the safety of refugees and, both Sudan and Chad, citizens on the ground. Limiting military conflict within the region and the delivery of humanitarian aid while still protecting Sudan’s right to sovereignty. Representative Claire Czajkowski of Slovenia said that the best way to address the crisis in Sudan is through a three-pronged approach, with a “focus on humanitarian aid, security of the Sudanese people, and the safety of peacekeepers currently in Sudan.” 

2:10 am – Representative Micah Domingo of Switzerland reveals that they have had a conference with a member who holds a high position within RSF as a neutral mediator to share a message with the Security Council, “They are open to talks of a ceasefire but Sudan refuses to come to talks,” they also claim to be “Committed to not fight humanitarian,” and “Willing to cooperate as much as possible

2:18 am 13 December 2024 – The death toll at the refugee camp of Zamzam has risen to 167 due to lack of medical care. An artillery shell hit the humanitarian aid storage unit that had been delivered last month destroying a majority of the food and medical supplies available. The sole hospital in the AI Fasher region that was hit with the heavy artillery on December 8th is still lacking access to electricity. In downtown Al Fasher militant activity has pillaged the markets.

In the Gezirah region, local farmers have reported SAF airstrikes against villages. The farmers claim a lot of violence and fighting within the area and there has not been access to the hospital safely to check on generators. (hoping for an email to clarify on this)

2:25am – France received intelligence information and asked for a 10 minute break to discuss “extremely sensitive” information that needs to be discussed only between the P5 members. Upon returning from the break, Non-P5 countries such as Ecuador expressed a concern on why a majority of the members of the security council were left out of the “ extremely sensitive” information meeting.  The United States representative Mel Pardock was the first P5 member to break the silence on the matter of the secret meeting. They apologized by saying “ are [we]not trying to undermine any non-P5 country” and are deeply sorry for unintentionally leaving other member states out of the discussion. The United States, the United Kingdom and china were in agreement that they were unaware of the subject matter of the meeting and would not have intentionally left out 

France rebutted that it was factually inaccurate because of safety issues and how it was a NATO related issue as the reasoning for holding a P5 only meeting. Algeria and Slovenia questioned France on why they were not included as they are members of NATO as well.

The United Kingdom concludes that France speaks on behalf of them and us that France would give money to USF. 

2:58am – Slovenia has called for all representatives to direct their attention towards the three pronged based paper that was listed earlier for signatures.

3:00 am – Russia and France have gotten Sudan and RSF to commit to a ceasefire for one month to allow humanitarian aid in the region

3:15am – The Council has moved on to vote on draft resolution sc7 and it passed 14-0-1

3:20am – The Council proposed an amendment to recognize the Russian Federation and France for their hard work on humanitarian aid to Sudan but Slovenia opposed being able to agree and pass an amendment within 14 minutes and called for the end to the meeting to which it was passed with a vote of 9-4-1.

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