Sample Position Paper 1


First Committee of the General Assembly: Disarmament and International Security

I. Assistance to states for curbing the illicit traffic in small arms and collecting them

The International Community, in the wake of the Cold War, has seen many of its members moving in profoundly different directions. While many states have prospered in a time that has afforded them both peace and economic growth, others have struggled. Regional conflicts have been brought to the forefront, and many unfortunate and bloody wars are currently being waged around the globe. Other states, in the aftermath of the Cold War, are currently trying to reform and restructure their governments in an effort to achieve acceptance and active participation in the International Community in both military and economic capacities. In the interest of cooperation and the desire for a peaceful, stable community, we are committed to seeing the illegal and/or unethical trade of weapons to states or groups with unsavory records in regards to human rights restricted or abolished. We are also in favor of a strict adherence to the regulations regarding the checking and licensing of parties seeking to purchase weapons or weapons based technologies. In addition, we are committed to seeing weapons transactions across international borders made public and records of those transactions readily available.

II. Relationship Between Disarmament and Development

As the world approaches the dawn of a new millennium, and its peoples enter an era of socio-economic and geo-political uncertainty, we as citizens of the world are blessed with a new age whose tale has not yet been written. However, with this new age comes the awesome responsibility not to relive nor revisit the terror, carnage, and travesties of this past millennium, more importantly, this past century. Through responsible governance the world’s nation states may avoid the regimes of Hitler’s fascism, Stalin’s totalitarian oppression or Saddam Hussein’s hegemonic ambitions. Let the talents of our peoples and the resources of our lands be harnessed and used for the development of economic solidarity not military superiority. Let our inherent ambition for conquest, as human beings, not be one of land or peoples but of conquering our own intellect in the arts and sciences. May we substitute the continued testing of weapons of mass destruction for the testing of cleaner, cheaper alternative sources of energy, abundant foods, and more effective medicines. Let our boarders separate us as unique and sovereign nations without letting them divide us as people. As this past century has exemplified, political and social dominance is won through free market enterprise and open trade, not through military conquest. Let us therefore, embrace one another in our common interest of economic stability and a unified Balkan region structured by democratic principle and solidified through its fair and honorable application.

Let us not enter a new age with an old and archaic mentality. Let us seek diplomacy over military resolve in settling our disputes. Let our legacy be the generation that stretched out its hand rather than clenched its fist.

Fourth Committee of the General Assembly: Special Political and Decolonization

I. Report on the special committee to investigate Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people and other Arabs of the occupied territories

As the Palestinian people negotiate with the Israelis for the declaration of an independent Palestinian state, Palestinians living in the Palestinian territory, which is still under Israeli occupation, have become victims of persecution. Many have been killed by Israeli soldiers or civilians. Others have been harassed, ill-treated or placed under curfews. A number have escaped Israel as refugees. According to Israeli there is to be an absolute veto on any refugee return to Israel. Israel’s justification is that repatriation of Palestinians would dilute Israel’s character. The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) claims that the refugees have a right to return to their lands and/or receive compensation. The position of the (PLO) is affirmed by UN Security Council Resolution 194 of December 1948. As a country that was liberated from communism almost a decade ago, we have had first hand experience of violations of human rights. After experiencing relief from such oppression, we have come to highly value human rights and desire to promote human rights all over the world. Furthermore, any country that fails to comply with the regulations of the United Nations should be punished with sanctions appropriate under UN rules. Therefore, it is in our interest that the United Nations becomes involved in this situation and impose appropriate sanctions until either this mistreatment stops or an independent Palestinian State is declared.

II. Participation of volunteer, “white helmet,” in activities of the UN in the field of humanitarian relief, rehabilitation and technical cooperation for development

Our position on the participation of volunteers, “White Helmets”, in activities of the UN is much like most member states. Especially in the Balkan region, volunteers are needed to provide various forms of assistance. Relief is constantly needed in times of natural disaster to provide humanitarian relief. At this time we are not able to fully assist its people in times of natural disaster. In order to fully recover from a communist society, we need all the help we can get from other nation states. Technical cooperation for development is needed to help ease the transition of our people from a communist society to a thriving democracy. Rebuilding cities, businesses, and creating a national highway system are the most important issues at hand for us. United Nation volunteers, “White Helmets” can provide an enormous hand in assisting in this transition. In order for successful volunteer missions many things are needed. The first would be a more secure source of funding for its humanitarian and development assistance missions. We support any resolution and effort that will increase the funding of the White Helmets. We are willing to work with other member states to acquire and setup additional sources of funding, whether it is through government financial assistance, loans from the IMF and World Bank, the United Nations themselves or philanthropists willing to support the White Helmets. We also support any resolution and effort that encourages nation states to sign up willing citizens to become United Nation volunteers in the White Helmet program. We are also in favor of enhancing in anyway possible United Nation Volunteer cooperation at all levels of United Nation activities. Setting up a direct chain of command, such as liaisons between different UN organizations to further help United Nation activities will be looked upon with favor by us. Finally, the safety and security of UN personnel are of the utmost importance. We support and are willing to work with other member states to provide the highest possible safety and security for personnel on the ground.

Fifth Committee of the General Assembly: Administrative and Budget

I. Financing of United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo

The unfolding of events in the former Yugoslavia has affected millions of lives around the globe, including those within our own borders. There is no doubt that the intervention of NATO and the United Nations to establish peace and autonomy for the people of Kosovo was and is a worthwhile endeavor, but the financing of such endeavors within the United Nations needs to be reevaluated. When the United Nations decided to support the operations in Kosovo, which were implemented by NATO, we involved ourselves in a mission that did not have a clear ending. As with any multi-scope mission, there is no definite outline to predict when our assistance is no longer needed, or when all of our goals have been met. We must be prepared to tackle any unexpected obstacles that may appear. We must come full circle before withdrawing our efforts in missions that we have committed to, and in order to fulfill our obligations, we must have the necessary funding. That funding is contemplated and decided upon as crises arise, but when that funding is passed, all nations must be held accountable for their contributions. As noted in Resolution 54/245, the assessed contributions allotted to individual Member States has only been paid in full by 23 per cent of those Member States as of 30 April 2000. The United States is the most noted of such member states with an outstanding balance of 105.5 million dollars. States that are in a better economic position are logically assessed a higher monetary commitment for the efforts of the United Nations, and they must be held responsible for their obligation. States struggling to improve upon a suffering economy themselves should not be expected to pull resources away to help other nations in turmoil, and furthermore, should be given the same consideration for future missions. Other sources of financing can be found through voluntary contributions and cooperation with other IGOs. The amount not exceeding 220 million dollars gross allocated for the operation of the Mission for the period from 1 July to 31 December 2000 has been passed, and we feel this amount of funding is an ample to tackle the current issues. Hopefully, this same strong showing of commitment will be shown to all countries in need. The distribution of funds within the Mission should allow for adequate personnel presence, but not exceed what is absolutely necessary for such a presence. The majority of the moneys should be spent on the raw materials needed to help the people of Kosovo rebound into a sustaining economy without jeopardizing the safety and comfort of the personnel involved.

II. Natural Disaster Mitigation

The assistance the United Nations can offer to nations suffering from the aftermath of a natural disaster can greatly influence the rebuilding process within the afflicted nation, but also stabilize nations that interact economically with that affected nation. The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) needs to not discriminate against any Member Nation, and must conceive of a way to distribute funding to all nations in need fairly. The United Nations has a history of coming to the aid of displaced persons in the aftermath of a war as well as in the aftermath of weather-related natural disasters. Each disaster needs to be weighed individually, and by a case-by-case basis, funding should be appropriated impartially. What needs to be assessed before allocating funds is the quality of life the citizens of a nation enjoyed prior to a disaster. That quality of life needs to be restored, and even made better. The funding for these programs within the United Nations needs to come from nation states that are economically sound. Once a nation’s assessed contribution is calculated, adherence to payment is pertinent. In order to allocate funding efficiently, the United Nations must have strong lines of communication with other relief agencies such as the Red Cross/Red Crescent. Strong lines of communication will allow for cost-effective missions for each ad hoc committee by making sure that all bases are covered in the relief process. This interaction between the United Nations and other relief agencies can assure that resources are not wasted by either organization in their effort to ameliorate the crises at hand. During this communication process, a more focused mission for each organization can be distributed between the organizations involved so that all of the necessary bases are covered. Any relief project that is more focused will be more cost-effective and less wasteful. For instance, one organization could be responsible for all of the clean water necessary while one organization could be responsible to supply food. Or one organization could be responsible for the northern end of the country while the other organization is responsible for the southern end of a country. In this way, these organizations will not be tripping over each other, and thus, tackle the relief process more efficiently.

Sixth Committee of the General Assembly: Legal

I. Establishment of an international criminal court

As a free and democratic country, continuously striving to be a bulwark of stability in a tumultuous region, we support the creation of the International Criminal Court. Recognizing that the actions of unprincipled rogue leaders can decimate entire populations, destabilize entire regions, and infringe the security and sovereignty of neighboring states, we call on our fellow nation-states in the Sixth committee to support the creation of the ICC. Being so closely located to the horrors and atrocities that occurred in the former Yugoslavia, we fully understand the necessity of having some sort of machinery in place to stop these rogue leaders before these conflicts escalate into full blown wars and/or spill over into neighboring regions. We realize that the tribunal system only works after the most heinous crimes have attracted the attention of the international community. However, if there were to be an ICC, it may be possible to bring these rogues to justice before these crimes become so heinous, so glaring, that the international community has no choice but to act. It is our sincere hope that the international community can come together and say that these actions will no longer be tolerated, and that these individuals will be held accountable for their actions.

II. Status of the protocols additional to the Geneva convention relating to the protection of victims of armed conflict

We support increased accountability of states and their leaders in matters of victims of war and refugees. It is deplorable, the suffering inflicted on civilians in times of war. States/leaders that target civilians and/or use them as shields, that permit sexual crimes against the civilians, and practice ethnic cleansing should be brought to justice. That these crimes go unpunished diminishes us all. Aggressor states/leaders should also be made to bear the burden and costs incurred by neighboring nation-states when we must accept refugees and give shelter and protection due to these aforementioned crimes. No civilized country could ignore the plight of these peoples, but it is a great burden and strain on our logistical and financial resources, and these aggressor states/leaders should be made to make reparations. They should be held personally accountable and liable for their actions.

Economic and Social Council

I. Review of the Declaration and Programme of Action of the International Conference of Population and Development

On the topic of reviewing the Declaration and Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development, we wish to continue the examination into this crucially important topic. There are many great challenges and relationships between population growth and the steady economic development the world is facing in the context of sustaining development. At this time, the world is facing a considerable increase in population growth. Along with this comes many important factors that must be discussed; particularly development issues that might be acceptable today, but not for the future, the loss of biodiversity of the world, and human population exceeding its carrying capacity. With the ever-increasing numbers of human population growth, man is exceeding the world’s human carrying capacity. As this happens, man encroaches upon other species, and as a result, the loss of biodiversity occurs. This loss is not only of aesthetic value, but also carries other major ramifications. With this loss of biodiversity, comes the loss of a genetic make-up that is gone forever, which sometime in the future, could have been used to cure diseases. Further analysis proves that with the loss of one species, all other species are effected, including mankind. As a result of all these ramifications due to human population growth, we believe this topic is of great concern. Education needs to be provided to all countries in order to prevent the problems we are facing today. This not only means education in population growth ramifications, but also reproductive education as well. We wish to pursue the revision of the Declaration and Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development.

II. Conservation of Biological Diversity

The topic on the Conservation of Biological Diversity is of great importance to our country. It is of deep concern that the increasing loss of biodiversity is mainly due to human actions. As a result, the loss of one species has tremendous impacts on the whole life cycle and food chain. This also impacts humans as well. Thus, the loss of biodiversity in the world is in essence, the killing of our own life support system. Biodiversity provides a web of ecological services from purifying the air we breath to controlling water pollution. It is through this and numerous other ways, that we can see the crucial role biodiversity plays in this world. Biodiversity sustains life as we know it on Earth. It is only through direct analysis and resolution acceptance that we will be able to conserve living species that took the last 3,000 million years to evolve. Each of these life forms is crucial to the sustainability of the environment, and it is our duty to see that each and every species is protected against extinction due to human causes. Committee: Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

III. The Death Penalty and Human Rights

The question of the death penalty, or capital punishment, has long been a matter of great concern. As an opponent of capital punishment, our nation believes that the death penalty is a form of cruel and unusual punishment; and it represents a violation, at the most basic level, of a person’s human rights. Our country echoes the findings of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in that, no person should be subjected to torture or to inhuman treatment or punishment. Furthermore, the government and citizens of our country believe that capital punishment can be used to indirectly target minorities, people of different ethnicity, the poor, peoples of different religious affiliation, and geographic location, in the cause of fulfilling an execution sentence. From this, we recognize Member states who have abolished the death penalty, and is deeply concerned with those who still implore capital punishment as a criminal sentence. We see the death penalty as a clear violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Right, and calls for the abolishment of capital punishment on a global scale.

IV. Strengthening cooperation between the World Bank and the Economic and Social Council

In an effort to create a more effective and efficient Economic and Social Council, we would like to see a strengthening of cooperation between the World Bank and the Economic and Social Council. If ties between these two bodies were more closely related, and they worked closely with each other, they would be much more effective at relieving problems such as poverty and development. We believe that if cooperation between ECOSOC and the World Bank were increased, the two organizations would achieve greater actions and results. No sole agency can take on an issue entirely by itself and expect results; with partnership comes strength and efficiency. In general, our country firmly believes that an enhanced partnership between the Economic and Social Council and the World Bank will be beneficial to both organizations on the whole, and also be more beneficial to the developing world community in which they are intending to serve.

Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS

I. The HIV/AIDS crisis in Sub-Saharan Africa

Nowhere can the devastating effects of AIDS be seen as well as in Sub-Saharan Africa. This part of the African continent fights for survival against an epidemic of one of the deadliest viruses in human history. The African countries still face their usual ailments: poverty, disease, famine, civil war, and illiteracy. As the IMF and the World Bank show efforts to alleviate these problems, we must take a skeptical stance and realize that those efforts would be a waste if the African continent politically and economically disintegrates as a result of the epidemic. Whereas certain diseases can spread in poverty and some, like asthma, may be more prevalent in developed Western societies, AIDS does not discriminate. Certain groups may be more at risk for getting infected, but the virus can spread to anyone. The AIDS epidemic in Africa not only affects the poor and uneducated, but also the individuals desperately needed for the functioning of a civilized state: teachers, doctors, lawyers, etc. If AIDS is not contained, the little political stability there is will vanish. We support the international efforts led by the World Bank to provide loans and grants for the African nations. We applaud the intentions of pharmaceutical companies to provide affordable antiretroviral drugs. At the same time we are seeing the debilitating effects of AIDS firsthand, as the disease prevalence increases among Eastern European countries. After the fall of communism, the economy and the health care system have further declined, and our nation is classified in the second category of AIDS alert by the UNAIDS, meaning it is trailing only Sub-Saharan Africa in HIV prevalence growth.

II. Education issues and HIV/AIDS

A great degree of controversy surrounds AIDS education. At what age is it appropriate to teach children on AIDS? Who should receive more attention: boys or girls? What topics should be covered? These questions become even more difficult as certain cultures may exhibit an inherent secrecy toward such matters as drug use, homosexuality, and even heterosexual relationships. Our country, in general, does not exhibit such stigma. Therefore we support funding of AIDS education programmes that deliver results, such as those in Uganda, Zambia, Kenya, and Malawi. Nevertheless, we call for a better assessment of the appropriate use of those funds. AIDS education should be efficient in containing the spread of disease. Cooperation is needed from the African governments, especially those which deny that AIDS is spread through the HIV virus.

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