Press Release from Russia on the Security Council

When Draft Resolution SC 1 was proposed In the Security Council session this morning to address the situation in Iran, the Russian Federation was concerned that there was a mischaracterization of the perspective provided to the council when Iran was called as a Party to the Dispute. Especially in regards to a Special Rapporteur it was the impression of the Russian Federation that Iran was ardently opposed to this concept. However the characterizations by the authors of this was that Iran was in total support. Our reasonable step, then, was to contact the Iranian delegate for clarification. When the reply to the inquiry was received and defended the Russian Federation was criticized for “going behind the back of the body” and “springing this” on the council. Respecting national sovereignty and ensuring accurate information should never be subject to such direct criticism and concerns the Russian Federation as to the intent of the rest of the body. The Russian Federation made every attempt to find compromise and create a resolution to help the people of Iran. However, upon work to do so during a suspension the Russian Federation found an unbending block unconcerned with the sovereignty of the nation in question. Only after substantial pushback from delegations of the Russian Federation, China, India and others was the body able to suspend once more and begin considering substantive issues within the document. The Russian Federation is still in support of humanitarian action by the Security Council at this time to address the unrest in Iran.

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