Press Release from Myanmar in GA 3

By: Myanmar

Dear Delegates of the Third Committee of the General Assembly,

The Republic of the Union of Myanmar stands as a valiant example of the extraordinary sacrifices nations undergo to foster international communication and collaboration. Our esteemed Representative has been subject to death threats, exile and even attempted assassinations from the government unjustly ruling over the people he represents. Still, he has sought to represent the people of his country, refusing to step down despite his fear and suffering. The Republic of the Union of Myanmar fears, too, that our sacrifice is being taken for granted, along with the sacrifices of so many other nations who face political unrest and violence in their home countries; of the representative of Afghanistan, who has similarly faced death threats and has been driven out of their country for the simple desire to represent their people at the United Nations. Our committee, on the topic of the protection of journalists and the issue of impunity, has divided itself into two blocs, each standing behind two separate resolutions, resolutions desperately calling for the same solutions in different words, each holding true the same core tenets of protection of journalists and respect for state sovereignty. Our division and certain particular delegates continued refusal to collaborate has led to the degradation of the purpose and spirit of the United Nations; creating arbitrary boundaries and refusing to cross the center line is in direct conflict with our aim here this weekend, and we hope that once we return to the topic, we will be able to come to a consensus, through broad collaboration across the entire body, on the issue at hand.


The Republic of the Union of Myanmar

The views and opinions expressed in this article were part of a simulation of the United Nations held from 18 to 21 November 2023 and do not reflect the views and opinions of the American Model United Nations Conference, American Model United Nations International, LLC., *University of Iowa or the governing bodies of the states mentioned in the article.

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