Press Release from Security Council: African Delegations on the Situation in Former Yugoslavia

The African delegations currently present in the Security Council, which include Gabon, Kenya and Ghana are disheartened by the lack of legitimate consideration taken on our behalf by the rest of the body. The African delegations expected better of the Security Council – the African delegations all have resources and ideas to bring to the table, though they were pushed aside in favor of delegations with more power, especially those from the Northern Hemisphere. The African delegations have noticed severe, saddening inequities between the Global North and the Global South, and would seek to rectify this.

While certain Member States have expressed their desire for permanent seats for one Latin American State and one African State in a Presidential Statement, there is no momentum for any true significant power being given to these continents by the body of the Security Council, specifically, by the five nations that already carry veto power.

Neocolonialism is alive and well in the treatment of African countries on the global stage. Western countries continue to stifle African countries as they are given the least amount of power over the passage of resolutions regarding African lands. Instead, the vast amount of power is given to countries who largely cannot be negatively impacted by suffering of African nations. This abuse of power is embarrassing because it requires African nations to bend backwards to the whims of Western countries who have fileted, exploited and taken advantage of the greater continent of Africa. The fact that these practices are still being observed and have gone wildly unchecked alludes to the intense, irreversible and dangerous resolutions that continue to leave Africa a second-class global citizen. We have too long been leashed by countries that cannot do more than simply remain quiet, abstain from voting, do not contribute to the drafting and development of resolutions, then veto the hard work approved by the rest of the body.

The abuse of power by northern Member States has felt like a slap to the face to the African delegations who so strongly believe in giving each member state an equal voice. The ignoring of African intentions, resources, and voices is reprehensible and truly saddens the African nations who have worked so hard to help the world. The African continent and its Member States deserve better.

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