Press Release from Germany in HSC 2003

By: Germany

March 1, 2003
In recent Historical Security Council sessions, the United States and United Kingdom
made repeated statements in which they shared with the council that they would hold off on any
offensive military action in Iraq until the report from Dr. Hans Blix was completed. This report
would provide the body with comprehensive information regarding the presence, or lack thereof,
of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

Today, with no warning, the US and UK have retracted these statements, declaring that
they are making plans to invade Iraq and will not consider any other non-violent measures,
despite the attempts at compromise by many other delegations. This decision has been made
despite repeated reports from the IAEA and Dr. Hans Blix confirming that the Iraqi government
has been increasingly compliant with the council’s demands without additional force. The
delegations of Germany and France stand firmly against this sentiment in the name of peace and
will do everything in our power to prevent this undue violence before it begins.

The Federal Republic of Germany has recently reinstated trade embargoes on Iraq to
apply the most possible pressure on the Iraqi government while prioritizing peace. Additionally,
Germany will be sending humanitarian aid to the most affected regions in an attempt to improve
the living conditions of the Iraqi people.

The delegations of Germany and France urge other member states of the Security Council
to do everything in their power to prevent an unnecessary escalation of violence that will
inevitably cause more harm and suffering in the nation of Iraq for years to come.

The views and opinions expressed in this article were part of a simulation of the United Nations held from 18 to 21 November 2023 and do not reflect the views and opinions of the American Model United Nations Conference, American Model United Nations International, LLC. or the governing bodies of the states mentioned in the article.

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