Press Release from France, Tunisia and United States for the Security Council on China’s Veto

The Security Council has worked together to find solutions to the situation at the Belarus – Poland border. A resolution was drafted by the body that condemned the usage of migrants as political weapons. This resolution did not only address the issue, but laid out a plan for nations who encouraged migrants into their borders, but later found that they could not adequately care for these persons. 

This resolution defined the weaponization of migrants and declared that intentionally moving migrants within the border of another sovereign nation without mutual agreement equates to an act of aggression permitting states to respond under Article 51 of the UN Charter. The Security Council was in unanimous agreement for passing this resolution except for the delegation from China, which vetoed the resolution. 

China seems to have a different idea of national sovereignty than the rest of this Council. The resolution placed international territorial integrity as well as the dignity of human life as top priorities. The resolution advocated for the agency of migrants within borders as well as the rights of states to protect their borders. It called for state responsibility in matters of international stability and the protection of the dignity of human life. 

The delegations from the United States, France and Tunisia are deeply disappointed by China’s decision to veto this resolution, as the rest of the Security Council has agreed to pass the resolution. It is disheartening to see a respected nation such as China veto a resolution that protected human rights to this extent. They gave no explanation as to why and refused to work with the rest of the committee to come to a compromise on this resolution. 

The delegation from the United Kingdom will be giving a statement regarding this resolution and will be sharing this resolution in its entirety later today.

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