Press Release from Indonesia for HSC-73: Non-Aligned Movement

The nation of Indonesia is honored to submit this statement on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement. The Movement remains firmly committed to justice for the Palestinian people and condems the Israeli settler state which continues to indiscriminately kill innocent Palestinian refugees. 

Israel’s presence, military intervention, and the nature of attacks has been characterized by a Lebanese representative as “barbaric.” While the Movement supports Resolution HSC-3, administering humanitarian aid to those affected by the conflict, this is a stop-gap solution which circumvents necessary measures to resolve the conflict. Current draft resolutions being worked out by the United Nations Security Council fail to acknowledge the asymmetrical nature of the conflict and instead conflate individual actions with that of a settler state. It is time to curb Israel’s practices of colonization which are unwanted, illegal, and escalating. 

The Movement condemns all actions of individuals acting to incite terror upon innocent civilians. Following recent events, Member States, including Yugoslavia, India and Sudan, have placed additional trade sanctions against Israel.

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