Press Release: Delegation of the United States to the Historical Security Council of 1967

“The United States of America is dissatisfied with how the Security Council has gone silent when hearing the plight of the Israeli people. We believe that the actions  neighboring nations have taken against the Israeli people are cause for major concern and would like the Security Council to step up and condemn these nations that are attacking Israel’s sovereignty. The United States of America has continued to support Israel from its establishment, and would like any nation that wishes to attack the State of Israel to remember that the United States of America is ready to defend Israeli sovereignty. We wish to find a peaceful solution to this situation and would continue to welcome any dialogue that would allow us to come to a peaceful end, but we can see over the horizon and recognize what Israel’s neighbors may be capable of. The United States of America will see any action against Israel as a hostile act and believe that Israel is allowed to defend itself against said acts.”

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