An Aside with Secretary Colin Powell

By: Ethan Lehman-Pace On 5 February 2003, United States Secretary of State Colin Powell addressed the Historical Security Council of 2003 (HSC). Secretary Powell shared his allegations with the body about potential weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and chemical...

Controversy Over Choosing Resolution in GA3

By: Molly Bradley, Student Reporter* The GA Third Committee discussed how to proceed in protecting the safety of journalists. Three main resolutions outline how to move forward – AA, DD and EE. The resolution that has the highest likelihood of passing is AA due to the...

Press Release on ITU from Austria

By: Austria Members of the International Telecommunication Union, Certain statements made at the microphone on the floor of the committee have necessitated the Delegation of the Republic of Austria to write that, contrary to the stance of Burkina Faso, persons with...

GA 1: Press Conference Introduces New Goals

By: Gracyn Stroman, Student Reporter* The Republic of Niger requested a press conference addressing their stance on biological weaponry. Before the press conference, Representative Mansur Kasali said, “having engaged in intensive diplomacy with Member States, the...

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