AMUN All Year: AMUN beyond November

AMUN All Year: AMUN beyond November

The American Model United Nations Conference may be in November every year, but the preparation for it happens all year round. For representatives and faculty advisors, the country assignment lottery and the Committee on the Agenda meeting are highlights looking...
Speeches and Motions

Speeches and Motions

Precedence of Speeches and Motions Giving speeches and making motions are two critical ways to move formal debate forward in a Model UN session. At AMUN, we do not use a formal speakers’ list (we’ll have more on that decision in a future blog post). Instead, you’ll...
Understanding the Security Council Veto

Understanding the Security Council Veto

Of all of the organs of the United Nations, perhaps the most well known is the Security Council. Maybe the most well-known aspect of the Security Council is the use of the veto power. Even if it is the most well-known aspect of the Security Council, the actual use of...
Present and Voting

Present and Voting

Ahh, roll call! It’s almost certainly the first order of business in a Model UN session after the chair gavels the committee to order. It might take just a few seconds in smaller committees, or interminable minutes in large General Assembly bodies, but it’s the first...
Meet WSIS+10

Meet WSIS+10

In addition to a core set of United Nations bodies we simulate, American Model United Nations also provides representatives an opportunity to explore the working of meetings and summits outside of the six major organs of the UN. In 2017, AMUN is simulating the 2015...
The UN Charter

The UN Charter

Today the United Nations employs more than 40,000 people, has a biennial budget of more than 5 billion USD, and works with 15 specialized agencies, 11 Funds and Programmes and 16 active peacekeeping missions. But whether it is helping to improve gender equality,...

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