The Basics of International Law

The Basics of International Law

International law is one of the basic building blocks of the United Nations system. It provides the foundation for stable, peaceful and just relationships between States and their people. This week, we’ll explore what international law is. What is International Law...
Is Reforming the Security Council Possible?

Is Reforming the Security Council Possible?

An important characteristic of the United Nations is its ability to adapt to meet the needs of a changing world. As the world faces new challenges and states  strive to meet new demands, the United Nation provides fora for discussion, logistic support and expertise to...
Demystifying the UN Budget

Demystifying the UN Budget

Money and personnel. These are the two basic resources of almost any organization, and the United Nations is no exception. The UN budget is one of the most misunderstood parts of the UN system. This is partially because there are actually multiple, independent budgets...
Summer at the United Nations: Not So Sleepy

Summer at the United Nations: Not So Sleepy

For most AMUN representatives, summer is a time for the outdoors, catching up on sleep and time with friends. The UN staff isn’t so lucky: summer is a busy time leading up to the General Assembly session in the fall. The agenda is packed. Here are just a few of the...
AMUN All Year: AMUN beyond November

AMUN All Year: AMUN beyond November

The American Model United Nations Conference may be in November every year, but the preparation for it happens all year round. For representatives and faculty advisors, the country assignment lottery and the Committee on the Agenda meeting are highlights looking...

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