by AMUN Staff | May 1, 2018 | Uncategorized
The UN Newsroom is an invaluable resource in keeping up with the work of the UN’s many projects. Each week, it highlights issues and events of importance to the United Nations, keeping the public informed of work being done. Here are some highlights for the week of...
by Jacob P Torres | Apr 17, 2018 | Turtle Bay
When the United Nations was formed in October 1945, Chapter IV of the UN Charter mandated the formation of the General Assembly and Article 22 allowed for the General Assembly to “establish such subsidiary organs as it deems necessary for the performance of its...
by Chap Nowicke | Apr 3, 2018 | Turtle Bay
On 3 October 1946, the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations established the Population Commission. In December of 1994, on the heels of the International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo, Egypt, the United Nations renamed it the...
by Nathan Tripp | Mar 14, 2018 | MUN Tips and Tricks
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller Consensus is an important part of diplomacy for the United Nations. Traditionally, UN representatives strive to craft diplomatic solutions that work for all their members. While this isn’t always...
by Patrick Martin | Mar 1, 2018 | Turtle Bay
American Model United Nations seeks to provide a realistic simulation of the proceedings of the United Nations in New York. Over the course of the four-day conference, representatives discuss appropriate responses to different topics on the world agenda, prepare...
by Jacob P Torres | Feb 21, 2018 | Turtle Bay
Organizing for International Health The story of the World Health Organization (WHO) begins in 1851, when, in response to cholera outbreaks across Europe, the first International Sanitary Conference convened in Paris, France. This was the first attempt to work...
by Jacob P Torres | Feb 13, 2018 | Turtle Bay
The United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) is the main governing body of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). UNEP was established in 1972 at the conclusion of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment, in response to human effect on the...
by Brianne Reeves | Feb 6, 2018 | Two Point Two
We are pleased to announce the final topics for 2018 AMUN Conference agenda. We will be using the AMUN Accords, Facebook and Twitter to publish items related to these topics throughout the year, and we will publish our complete background guides in the Issues at AMUN...
by Jacqueline E Whitt | Dec 31, 2017 | Two Point Two
We’ve made it! Another year, another conference in the books. AMUN 2017 was the 28th Conference and a fantastically successful one, thanks in large part to the hard work of our representatives, faculty advisors, and staff members. We thought we’d wrap up 2017 with a...
by Kate Koett | Dec 13, 2017 | Two Point Two
Closing Plenary Remarks, 2017 American Model United Nations Conference Welcome to Tuesday! Congratulations—on making it here and for all you accomplished. Over the course of your deliberations, the Contemporary Security Council strengthened the UN Mission in South...