by Megan Wiley | Nov 4, 2018 | Turtle Bay
The Third Committee of General Assembly Third Committee—also known as the Social, Cultural, and Humanitarian Committee—is one of the six main committees of the UN General Assembly. It focuses on human rights and humanitarian affairs. Every UN Member State is also a...
by Kayla Schmidt Osborn | Nov 2, 2018 | Two Point Two
“Amateurs talk about tactics, but professionals study logistics.” – Gen. Robert H. Barrow, USMC (Commandant of the Marine Corps) noted in 1980 Attending AMUN involves a lot of preparation—researching your country, your allies and the topics; learning AMUN’s UN-based...
by Rebecca Thomas | Nov 1, 2018 | MUN Tips and Tricks
So you’ve been assigned to a report-writing body at AMUN. You’ve done the research. You’ve drafted a fair number of resolutions but you’ve never drafted a report. Now what? Let’s begin with a simple question: What is a report-writing body at AMUN? At AMUN, we simulate...
by Christina Johnson | Oct 31, 2018 | Two Point Two
Legal research can be a beast. But many basic research principles can also be applied to legal research. Use the tools already available and familiar to you; they will serve you well in the legal context as well. Students often have access to many academic resources...
by Megan Wiley, Jacqueline E Whitt | Oct 25, 2018 | MUN Tips and Tricks, Two Point Two
“Diplomacy is the art of telling people to go to hell in such a way that they ask for directions.” Anonymous Diplomacy and diplomatic courtesy are central to successful international relations, to the inner workings of the United Nations, and to any Model UN...
by Michael Kenny | Oct 20, 2018 | Two Point Two
Conferences are expensive! Have you ever wondered how AMUN spends the fees you pay? We strive to keep our Conference costs as low as possible. We think everyone should be able to participate in Model UN, and we don’t want our Conference to be out of reach. For...
by Nia Indelicato | Oct 16, 2018 | MUN Tips and Tricks
The Security Council is unique within the United Nations: its decisions are binding on all Member States. While decisions of the International Court of Justice are binding for the Member States directly involved, no organ but Security Council can bind all the Members....
by Nia Indelicato | Oct 9, 2018 | Two Point Two
What is the goal of AMUN’s Security Council simulations? While this may seem like an odd question, the answer is often a common point of confusion for representatives. I have been involved in AMUN’s Security Council simulations for the last decade, and, each year, I...
by Chap Nowicke | May 22, 2018 | MUN Tips and Tricks
It’s a very common thing to hear: A suspension of the meeting is announced and a delegate walks up to the microphone and announces that the members of a certain caucus bloc are going to be meeting in the front of the room next to the Rapporteur dais. So what just...
by Jacob P Torres | May 15, 2018 | Turtle Bay
When the United Nations was formed in October of 1945, Chapter IV of the UN Charter mandated the formation of the General Assembly and allowed for the General Assembly to “establish such subsidiary organs as it deems necessary for the performance of its functions....