Meet the General Assembly Third Committee

Meet the General Assembly Third Committee

The Third Committee of  General Assembly Third Committee—also known as the Social, Cultural, and Humanitarian Committee—is one of the six main committees of the UN General Assembly. It focuses on  human rights and humanitarian affairs. Every UN Member State is also a...
Legal Research at AMUN

Legal Research at AMUN

Legal research can be a beast. But many basic research principles can also be applied to legal research. Use the tools already available and familiar to you; they will serve you well in the legal context as well. Students often have access to many academic resources...
Working in a Bloc

Working in a Bloc

It’s a very common thing to hear: A suspension of the meeting is announced and a delegate walks up to the microphone and announces that the members of a certain caucus bloc are going to be meeting in the front of the room next to the Rapporteur dais. So what just...
Meet the General Assembly Second Committee

Meet the General Assembly Second Committee

When the United Nations was formed in October of 1945, Chapter IV of the UN Charter mandated the formation of the General Assembly and allowed for the General Assembly to “establish such subsidiary organs as it deems necessary for the performance of its functions....

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