AMUN Country Selection

AMUN Country Selection

Each member of the General Assembly shall have one vote. ~UN Charter, Chapter 4, Article 18 The 2019 Conference hasn’t even started, but here at AMUN we are already making our plans for next year. One of the most important things we’re doing right now is selecting the...
The Role of Role Players

The Role of Role Players

A unique resource Representatives can utilize at AMUN is the roleplayer request. Home Government (HG) provides roleplayers as well as information and briefing requests.  Roleplayers are meant to broaden the information available to the body by providing expert...
Better Know a Staffer: The Secretary General

Better Know a Staffer: The Secretary General

Many of us seldom see the inner workings of the American Model United Nations Conference unless you are part of the Conference Leadership Team or on our awesome staff.  When an opportunity was given to have a chat with this year’s Secretary-General, Brianne Reeves, I...

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