by Autumn Bockman | Oct 23, 2020 | AMUN Chronicle
The decision to make AMUN virtual was made by the Board, with advice from our Executive Office. “We still wanted to do a conference and use our expertise to host it virtually,” says Collin Bockman, a member of the Board, “if there’s a gap year, we risk losing schools’...
by Cassandra Krencisz | Oct 23, 2020 | AMUN Chronicle
The United Nations (UN) General Assembly (GA) celebrated the official begin to 75 years of promoting peace and human rights with the official gavel in of the 75th General Assembly on September 15, 2020. However, this year is different than any other year in the United...
by Jacqueline E Whitt | Oct 23, 2020 | Two Point Two
As much as we all wish we could make Model United Nations a full-time job, we have not yet found a way to monetize pretend diplomacy. But at AMUN, we have the next best thing for your career: an exposition with colleges, universities and organizations interested in...
by AMUN Simulation Staff | Sep 24, 2020 | Two Point Two
This update complements the background guide already published in the AMUN Handbook. Please read the handbook before turning to this update. The Situation in Libya On 21 August 2020, Libya’s rival authorities announced they had reached an immediate ceasefire...
by Jacqueline E Whitt | Sep 22, 2020 | MUN Tips and Tricks, Two Point Two
We have put together important dates and times for the 2020 Conference to assist you in your preparations. We will continue to update this calendar as we solidify dates and times. 1 October – Position Papers Due (for Position Paper Award consideration) 1...
by Kat Nowicke | Jul 20, 2020 | Turtle Bay
The United Nations International Emergency Fund, UNICEF, was formed on 11 December 1943. In 1954, Danny Kaye, an American actor and philanthropist, was named as the very first UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador. Kaye, and every ambassador after him, works on behalf of the...
by Jacqueline E Whitt | Jul 16, 2020 | Two Point Two
Greetings from the AMUN Secretariat. As many have suspected, due to COVID19, AMUN will not be holding an in-person conference in 2020. We will however be hosting a virtual conference online for 2020. We will post all of our updates here, in addition to emailing our...
by Kat Nowicke | Jul 6, 2020 | Turtle Bay
Have you ever wondered what processes are used to choose an Ambassador to the United Nations? Each country selects its Ambassadors to the United Nations through its own process, which can vary widely. In 1961, the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations was created....
by AMUN Staff | Jun 11, 2020 | Uncategorized
American Model United Nations (AMUN) expresses our devastation for the murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and the many other Black lives that have been ended as a result of systemic racism, extrajudicial violence and police violence. These...
by Teresa Whetstone | Apr 21, 2020 | Just for Fun
The world is no stranger to widespread sickness. Human history is spotted with pandemics, and after viruses were initially discovered in the 1890s, knowledge about the spread of disease grew. In 1918, just at the end of the First World War, the world was faced with...