HSC 1961 Patrice Lumumba is Dead

By: Noah Fishman President Tshombe’s Interior Minister told the world that Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba and two companions have been killed in the Kolwezi region of the Republic of Congo in a speech this morning, but would not provide an exact location.  The...

France Submits a Press Release in GA 2

For far too long, the agriculture industry in developing countries has struggled, and those countries struggled in turn. Food insecurity, unsustainable farming practices and a lack of focus on green and clean agriculture has plagued the United Nations, but the OO...

Press Release: Guyana GA First

In the GA First Committee, Guyana saw the absolutely horrendous display from Israel in trying to defend their actions in Palestine. What we are seeing from Israel is conquest and genocide. There is no other way to put it. We continue our commitment to Palestine such...

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