GA Plen Sunday Update

GA Plenary Sunday Round Up: The General Assembly Plenary worked at full speed to pass two resolutions Saturday afternoon and evening, both addressing health concerns after the COVID-19 pandemic for Topic 2: Global health and foreign policy.  The first resolution,...

GA3 Monday Morning Update

Statement from Turkey: The General Assembly Third Committee switched topics late Sunday night to Topic Area II: Assistance to refugees, returnees and displaced peoples in Africa. Representative Zane Phillips of Turkey gave an impactful speech on not just refugees in...

UNEA Monday Morning Update

UNEA Resolution II/1 Adopted by Consensus: After a lot of hard work from the representatives, Resolution II/1 was adopted by consensus. This resolution has useful recommendations including that States implement “domestic regulation of companies to operate with...

Letter to the Editor

From the AA coalition in UAEA: Dear Editor, In the United Nations Environment Assembly, a crucial concern to address is the oversight of aid being provided towards sustainability projects. In order to address this concern, the coalition that wrote resolution AA...

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