Safety at AMUN

Safety at AMUN

“The safety of the people shall be the highest law.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero, Roman philosopher born in 106 BC Before attending any Model UN conference, but especially one in a major metropolitan area, delegations and school groups should discuss matters of...
Inside the Mind of a Sim Director

Inside the Mind of a Sim Director

Within some of the smallest simulations at AMUN, the Security Councils and Commissions of Inquiry, you’ll also find members of one of the smallest departments of the AMUN Secretariat: Simulations Staff. Also known as “Simulation Directors” and “Sim Directors,” or even...
Hot Topics: The Economic and Social Council

Hot Topics: The Economic and Social Council

Each member state is elected to ECOSOC yearly by the General Assembly for overlapping 3-year terms. To ensure equal representation, a specific number of seats are allocated to UN regional groups. 11 seats are for the Asia-Pacific group, 14 for the African group, 6 to...

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