GA4 Monday Evening Update:

The General Assembly Fourth Committee moved into topic area 2: Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. Representative B. of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) addressed the body...

Together as Major Influencers

International Atomic Energy Agency In a historic moment, Representatives of France, India, United Kingdom, Malaysia, and the United States have, “come together as major influencers and nations, in order to provide a safer world for all.”  The draft resolution the...

Press Conference for GA4

France, the Russian Federation, New Zealand and Germany gave a press conference addressing the General Assembly Fourth Committee’s efforts to reboot the United Nations push for decolonization. Representative Richard Goggin of the Russian Federation lays out the action...

Draft Resolution II/2

The United Nations Environment Assembly After multiple hours of discussion, research and editing, Resolution UNEA/II/2 on the subject of the poverty-environment nexus was passed by the body. The goal of this resolution is to provide conditions for more sustainable...

Letter to the Editor

So, my fellow AMUN’ers, last year, as AMUN hosted a fully virtual conference in October, I waxed poetic about missing the Sheraton’s beautiful Christmas decorations that are placed during the November conference. With thanks for effective vaccines and science that...

CPD Sunday Morning Round-Up

The Commission on Population and Development wrapped up a full day of deliberations, caucusing and writing to deliver and pass two resolutions.  One passed unanimously and the other was adopted by consensus, demonstrating a high level of negotiation and consideration...

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