The Mongolia Plan

Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific: This morning the representatives from the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) began work towards their report on innovative pathways to achieve sustainable consumption and production....

Press Release for GA4

A Day for Peace Written by Keegan Noll, Representative of the Holy See for GA4 The Holy See is greatly pleased by the progress being made in the General Assembly Fourth Committee on the topic of Assistance in Mine Action. The resolutions being written, especially...

Access to Water and Sanitation

Human Rights Council: There are currently three draft resolutions being worked on in the Human Rights Council. The first draft resolution is sponsored by Bangladesh, Fiji, Indonesia, India, Japan, Republic of Korea, Marshall Islands and Pakistan. This draft resolution...

IAEA Sunday Morning Update

Opening With a Bang: The International Atomic Energy Agency opened with the bang Saturday night. Norway opened debate expressing concerns about the rate at which nuclear experts are retiring and shared concerns about not having a skilled workforce to take up the...

CSW Sunday Morning Updates

A Body on the Move: The Commission on the Status of Women spent much of their Saturday in an unmoderated caucus sharing ideas and information.  Representatives from Togo and Japan spearheaded the creation of working groups.  Obviously, the body is on the...

GA4 Sunday Morning Update

Assistance in Mine Action: General Assembly 4 is in discussion of topic area 1: Assistance in Mine Action. Mexico gave a speech on being one of few Member States that has never used landmines and requested that the body protect all peoples from the devastating harm...

GA3 Sunday Morning Update:

Are Reparations Enough to End Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerances? The General Assembly Third Committee kicked off their session in Topic Area 1: Elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerances. The...

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