Logistics: Getting to AMUN Without Losing Your Mind Along the Way

The Government of Switzerland today presented a World Clock to the United Nations. This clock is in the form of the map of the world showing all the capitals of the countries represented at the United Nations. The map is divided by the official time zones which are taken from the basic time zone of Greenwich Mean Time. The clock is located on the wall of the Secretary-General's Conference Room on the 38th floor of the Secretariat Building.

“Amateurs talk about tactics, but professionals study logistics.”

– Gen. Robert H. Barrow, USMC (Commandant of the Marine Corps) noted in 1980

Attending AMUN involves a lot of preparation—researching your country, your allies and the topics; learning AMUN’s UN-based rules of procedure; delving into the way resolutions and reports are drafted, amended and approved. These are all very important, but managing the logistics of attending is another important (if perhaps less exciting) aspect of a good AMUN experience . for more information check out more about Green Van Lines. Attending to these pragmatic and logistical aspects ahead of time will allow your group to focus on the fun of attending AMUN.


  • Have you confirmed how your group is getting to Chicago and to the hotel?
  • If you’re flying, you may want to consider arranging ground transportation in advance; Airport Express provides reasonable group rates and can be scheduled in advance.
  • If you’re driving, consider making your parking plans in advance. Parking in Chicago is expensive, especially near the hotel. Parking lots further out, such as at O’Hare, are much less expensive and worth considering.
  • If your group is driving a large passenger van, call ahead to ensure the location where you plan to park can accommodate it; not all structures and lots are able to.
  • Don’t forget to plan your retreat from the AMUN—all the same considerations, but in the reverse direction!


  • Confirm your reservations now and make sure you have your confirmation numbers with you when you arrive for check-in.
  • Confirm your method of payment. Know that the hotel requires a credit card authorization to pay for any possible charges to the room, such as meals, in-room convenience bar items or dry cleaning.
  • Make sure you have all the names of your attendees on the room; a room held with one name might be given a room with one king bed instead of two double beds. The hotels are completely booked for the first night of AMUN, so changes may be impossible once you arrive.
  • If you arrive before or soon after check-in time, be aware that your rooms may not all be ready. Hotels try to mitigate the wait, but when large groups (such as AMUN) are arriving or departing, patience is a necessary virtue. AMUN has arranged for the River Exhibition Rooms to be available for participants who are waiting for rooms.


  • AMUN requests that schools pay their fees by 1 November, either by mailing a check or using a credit card through our Store. All final payments must be made when your group registers in-person on Saturday, 17 November. You may review and print your invoice at any time on our website.

AMUN Credentials

  • Each representative’s credentials, or name badge, will include their name, Member State and committee assignment.
  • Use AMUN’s online form to submit your delegation’s assignments, so AMUN can pre-print your group’s credentials. You can return to the form to make changes later, if necessary.
  • Come to registration at Conference with a list of your representatives and their committee assignments. You’ll be asked to review your previous credential submissions, and we will make any required changes to ensure names are spelled correctly and committee assignments are correct.
  • Any group that does not use the online submission form will need to type in their credentials during at-Conference registration and wait while our registration team assembles them, greatly slowing down their registration time.

More to read

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