Brianne’s #LiveBelowTheLine Challenge

LiveBelowTheLine Challenge: Brianne Reeves
LiveBelowTheLine Challenge: Brianne Reeves

The LiveBelowTheLine Challenge is a project that encourages hands-on learning about extreme poverty. Participants raise awareness of the issue by living on $1.50 a day food budget for 5 days straight. With the support of UNICEF USA, challenge participants have raised over $4.4 million dollars towards alleviating global poverty and have had over 20,000 participants in 2013 alone. You can find out more about the challenge and about the global mission to reduce poverty at and by visiting the UNICEF website. To view more AMUN LiveBelowTheLine challenge-related materials, check out our previous post or search on the AMUN Accords blog for #LiveBelowTheLine.

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