Letter to the Editor: Russian Federation in the Security Council

Dear Editor,

It has come to the attention of the Russian Federation that there has been a mischaracterization of the ongoing situation in the Ukrainian region in recent reports. The Special Operation currently ongoing in Ukraine has maintained its focus in preceding months with regard to the liberation, protection, and safety of recognized Russian citizens in the regions of Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson. The referendum held in late September in these regions reaffirmed their status as sovereign territory of the Russian Federation and an attack on them constitutes a violation of the UN Charter’s goals to uphold international borders and protect civilian life. 

The purpose of this Special Military Operation maintains the goal of rooting out an incredibly toxic and potentially disastrous Nazi ideology rampant in the region. Following recent attacks on the free press by Ukrainian officials in the Kherson region, the Russian Federation would like to implore other nations to consider the historical damage caused by Nazism. The Russian Federation additionally condemns the banning of news networks and reporters from sources like CNN and Al Jazeera following clear images and reports of Nazi saluting in both the military and civilian population entering the Kherson region. The Russian Federations takes seriously the need to root these ideologies out, seeking to continue its Special Operation until they have been successfully dealt with. The Russian Federation would like to invite other members of the international community to consider actions to support the role of free and fair democratic elections that necessitated the annexation of these territories.

-Kind Regards,

The Russian Federation

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