Join AMUN Staff!
Wondering about the perks of being a volunteer AMUN staffer? It’s a great opportunity to stay involved with the Model UN community, and you’ll get to work with awesome people. AMUN Staff has an extensive organization of alumni which represents an excellent networking opportunity and provides several professional development opportunities for new grads. AMUN provides meals and snacks to staff at the required AMUN meetings: Conference in November and staff training over Labor Day weekend! Furthermore, in an effort to make being a part of AMUN staff accessible to everyone, your lodging is covered at the required meetings. Lastly, there are great team-building activities! Sign up for your interview today at Conference Services!

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The AMUN Accords is a premier resource for fact-based Model United Nations simulations. We are always looking for new contributors. Want to write for the AMUN Accords? Check out out the submission guidelines and then get in touch!