International Women’s Day 2025

Our 2024 Secretary-General Maddie Glass (left) with our former Executive Director Shannon Dunn (right)
Our 2024 Secretary-General Maddie Glass (left) with our former Executive Director Shannon Dunn (right)

Every year on 8 March, the United Nations honors women’s achievements with International Women’s Day (IWD) and calls for action to accelerate gender equality. Initially marked by demonstrations and celebrations across Central Europe in 1911, IWD continues to be celebrated globally more than a century later. More and more countries across the world have declared IWD an official holiday in support of women. Politicians and celebrities alike are using their platforms to share and encourage action toward reaching gender equality.

For 2025, the theme of IWD is “Accelerate Action,” which drives the global community to accelerate the pace at which we eliminate the barriers to women’s equality, such as pay gaps, access to education and inequities in healthcare. This year’s theme was chosen in response to the World Economic Forum finding that it will take until 2158 to reach parity at the pace the movement is currently progressing. Rather than be discouraged, let this instead encourage you to act! Action can come in many forms, from supporting and celebrating women in your life and community to volunteering for and donating to charities that support women. If you’re looking for ideas, IWD has a list of ways to support the movement. We can all play a part to push forward women’s equality, in both daily life and in bigger ways.

The AMUN General Assembly Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) will simulate the topic “Improvement of the situation of women and girls in rural areas” at the 2025 AMUN Conference, addressing gender equality and the empowerment of women. While all women are affected by gender inequality, rural communities feel the effects even more deeply. Although topics covered in other simulations may not explicitly address women, researching the gender equality policies in the Member State you are representing in relation to those topics can help you further your understanding of your country.

Although International Women’s Day marks a single day to highlight women’s achievements, it is not the only day of the year to celebrate women. Celebrate and support the women in your life and around the world, not just on 8 March, but throughout the entire year.

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