Information for IPD Reporters
To: International Press Delegates
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
Article 19, Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Dear Chronicle Reporter,
Welcome to the International Press Delegation (IPD). As the Director for the IPD, I and the other IPD staff members anticipate another great year. We have a group of very talented writers joining our team this year, as well as some returning members who will keep our publication running strong.
As members of the IPD, you will be a part of a simulation unlike any other at AMUN. Instead of representing the interests of a single country, the International Press Delegation allows participants to act as unbiased journalists, reporting on the proceedings of each simulation in the Conference. You will investigate committee debates, conduct interviews, edit articles, and cover press conferences. Your work will be published in the Chronicle, AMUN’s daily newspaper, and read by all AMUN participants.
At Conference, Reporters are both passive and active participants in AMUN’s simulations. Reporters are responsible for observing the simulations as they unfold and disseminating information regarding those events to all of AMUN’s participants. In doing so, Reporters are responsible for conducting their own background research, whether it be gathering basic information on relevant topics or conducting interviews. Articles written by reporters are then published in the AMUN Chronicle.
Prior to the conference, you will be assigned to a “beat” – one or two committees that you will have primary responsibility for reporting on throughout the Conference. A list of all committees and the topics they will discuss can be found on the topics page.
To prepare for the conference, we suggest that you read the IPD Procedure and Style Manual and the Issues at AMUN Handbook. We also encourage you to look at editions of the 2024 AMUN Daily Chronicle available in the 2024 Final Report (scroll to the bottom of the page).
We hope your experience with IPD will be a memorable and educational one. Feel free to e-mail either myself or the AMUN Executive Office if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you in November!
Maren Bollinger
Director of the International Press Delegation
American Model United Nations International