ICAO Advancing On Their Goals

After approximately two days of hard work caucusing and developing resolutions on topic area one, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is in the process of finalizing and adopting resolutions on prevention of the spread of communicable disease through international travel. Last night, the Representatives of the ICAO voted to move on to topic two: Aviation’s Contribution Towards the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, where they have already begun to draft resolutions. 

The ICAO developed six draft resolutions related to topic area one that will likely be finalized soon. One of the most interesting areas of discussion from this first topic was the economic impact that disease can have on the tourism industry and States whose economies rely heavily on tourism. Representative Olivia Maschinot of Ethiopia, among other Representatives of smaller States, stressed the importance of resource accessibility and consideration of tourism or aviation driven economies. As the State with the largest airline in Africa, the economy of Ethiopia is sensitive to fluctuations in the tourism and travel industries; thus, in the event of health crises such as COVID-19, they are hit harder by its effects than larger States whose economies aren’t so closely tied to the health of the tourism industry. This is why some Representatives have emphasized the importance of resource sharing, flexible policy and data sharing with the goal of prevention of such a crisis. Additionally, Representatives have expressed concern that too strict of recommendations would harm smaller States’ economies.

Draft Resolution I/2 is now the first resolution to become available to the body. Representatives of 31 States from different regions have sponsored this resolution, including Belgium, South Sudan, Ecuador, Thailand, Australia and Ghana. Resolution I/2 makes recommendations for action in multiple avenues; notably, it requests that, “the United Nations Development Programme (UNPD) support funding for the development of the airline industry,” while acknowledging that the ICAO cannot control funding operations of airports. The resolution also focuses on multiple facets of safety, recommending collaboration with the WHO as well as review of aircrafts’ structural design. The body is now beginning voting procedure on the resolution.

ADDENDUM: Resolution I/2 has passed after this article was written. After voting no, the Representative of Russia, among others, noted the concern that while the body is not regulatory and can only make recommendations, it still may have effects on the economies of smaller states

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