Letter to the Editor

So, my fellow AMUN’ers, last year, as AMUN hosted a fully virtual conference in October, I waxed poetic about missing the Sheraton’s beautiful Christmas decorations that are placed during the November conference. With thanks for effective vaccines and science that helps keep us safe and able to participate in person, AMUN once again invaded the Sheraton Grand Chicago. I, however, was one of several unable to join the rest of my Secretariat in person. We have a variety of valid reasons for remaining virtual this year: new additions to family, professional work demands, life changes and of course COVID-19 as it impacts staff, representatives and our families. 

But the hybrid virtual conference this year provided something that past years haven’t–an opportunity to continue volunteering and participating at AMUN when life would otherwise force us to take a year off or retire from active Secretariat, and for that I am immensely grateful. The AMUN Secretariat work year-round to put together our annual conference; the incoming Secretary-General starts Tuesday night on planning for the 2022 conference, and conference leadership starts planning even earlier. For first-year staffers, the primary activities revolve around preparing written materials for the conference, development efforts, and training to run the live conference, held live in November. AMUN has always strived for a work-learn-life-volunteer balance for its Secretariat members, offering a variety of ways to contribute to fit that balance.

If you’re asking yourself if you want to consider joining the secretariat staff, I will offer this one thought: I have never regretted joining the AMUN Secretariat. It has been a fundamental part of my professional development, teaching me core project management, conflict management and people management skills I utilize daily in my career. The people you will meet are smart, friendly, professional and more than anything else, helpful at their core.

Hopefully next year I will be in person again, and able to see that Sheraton Christmas tree go up.

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