HRC: Resolution on the Consequences of Early and Child Forced Marriages

General Assembly holds election of members to the Human Rights Council during the 16th plenary meeting. The following 15 Members were elected to the Human Rights Council for a period of two years (2021-2023): Bolivia, China, Côte d'Ivoire, Cuba, France, Gabon, Malawi, Mexico, Nepal, Pakistan, Russian Federation, Senegal, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and United Kingdom. - UN Photo/Loey Felipe

In talking with Madison Klimowicz, a representative from Nigeria, the resolution on forced marriage addresses three main topics: health, education, and economy. For Nigeria, this is important because, “70% of the population is in poverty,” says Madison, “[it’s] a huge role in child and early marriages.” The education aspect largely affects women and will focus on gender and equality to help combat forced marriages.

The resolution was met with little resistance, since it is “not a conflicting issue…people were more eager to be signatories,” adds Klimowicz. The resolution was later adopted by consensus.

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