HRC: Resolution 2.2 has Passed!

Choi Kyong-lim (centre), President of the Human Rights Council, poses with eight former presidents of the Human Rights Council (HRC) at the opening of the HRC's thirty-second session in Geneva today. - 13 June 2016 - UN Photo/Jean-Marc Ferré

The committee passed the resolution just before lunch on Sunday morning. The resolution concerns human rights, climate change, and refugees. The resolution met little resistance, passing with a vote of 16 in favor, 0 opposed, and 1 abstention. Rachael S., the representative from Pakistan was “heartened to see the cooperation and collaboration” of the body. Pakistan is one of the countries most affected by climate change, with a large percentage of its population being potentially displaced.

The resolution focuses on the intersection of climate change and forced displacement. According to Rachael, the resolution helps “mitigate circumstances and sets up appropriate and adequate response plans and infrastructures” for those displaced by climate change, most of which are displaced internally.

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