AMUN History

After more than twenty-five years, American Model United Nations International remains committed to providing an outstanding simulation of the United Nations to all who attend. AMUN will continue to expand horizons and pursue our international theme to provide the best possible simulations to our participants. AMUN is pledged to expand UN education through the Model UN experience, and firmly believes that students should attend as many conferences, in as many locales as possible, to get the best UN educational experiences available. We hope AMUN will be one of many conferences your school participates in throughout the year.

Chicago is a major metropolitan hub, offering easy and inexpensive access from anywhere in the world. Our fine city will welcome representatives from around the country and around the globe. The culture, dining and nightlife are unparalleled in the Midwest. The Art Institute, Field Museum, Michigan Avenue, State Street and all of the fantastic neighborhoods offer just some of the unique opportunities for excitement outside of the conference.

AMUN was created to fill a need in the Model UN community; that is, to hold a major conference in the fall. Representatives have plenty of time for preparation and AMUN’s conference dates are ideal for participation by a fall International Relations or UN class. Many schools attend AMUN as the first in a long line of MUN conferences in their school year.

AMUN has been honored to host a number of renowned keynote speakers in past years, including UN General Assembly President Dr. Theo-Ben Gurirab, Ambassador Ahmad Kamal of Pakistan, Honorable Harold Stassen, the last living U.S. signator of the United Nations Charter, UN Under-Secretary-General Gillian Martin Sorenson and Paul Rusesabagina; AMUN has developed a reputation for outstanding speakers.

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